
An example Rails app with Open Telemetry to go along with the Rails Observability Playbook

Primary LanguageRuby

Rails Observability Playbook


A very simple example Rails app with Open Telemetry installed.

Accompanies my Rails Observability Playbook in Notion.

Running on Heroku and is set up to send data to Datadog, but the app is vendor agnostic.


Installing Otel in Rails is hard.

Setting up telemetry that's production grade and actually useful is even harder.

I do the hard work of figuring out Open Telemetry in Rails so you don't have to.

I'll be deploying this to production sites when it's stable enough.


Visit the app deployed to Heroku here


  • Single page to the app at the root
  • There's a "Refresh" link at the top of the page
  • Lists TODOs got from a static endpoint
  • When Refresh is hit, it triggers a refresh job
  • Click Refresh then see the traces in Datadog
  • All traces are sent to Datadog.
  • Want an invite to play around with the data? DM John Gallagher on LinkedIn





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