
req is a super light weight and super easy-to-use golang http request library.

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


req is a super light weight and super easy-to-use http request library.

Quick Start


go get github.com/imroc/req


req.Get("http://api.io/get").String() // {"success":true,"data":"hello roc"}
req.Post("http://api.io/post").Body(`{"uid":"1"}`).String() // {"success":true,"data":{"name":"roc"}}

Set Params And Headers

r := req.Get("http://api.io/get").Params(req.M{
	"p1": "1",
	"p2": "2",
	"Referer":    "http://api.io",
	"User-Agent": "Chrome/57.0.2987.110",
r.GetUrl() // http://api.io/get?p1=1&p2=2

r = req.Post("http://api.io/post").Param("p3", "3").Header("Referer", "http://api.io")
r.GetBody() // p3=3

Get Response

r := req.Get("http://api.io/get")
fmt.Println(r)            // GET http://api.io/get {"success":true,"msg":"hello req"}
resp := r.Response()      // *req.Response
str := r.String()         // string
bs := r.Bytes()           // []byte
err := r.ToJson(&jsonObj) // json->struct
err = r.ToXml(&xmlObj)    // xml->struct

// ReceiveXXX will return error if error happens during
// the request been executed.
resp, err = r.ReceiveResponse()
str, err = r.ReceiveString()
bs, err = r.ReceiveBytes()

NOTE: By default, the underlying request will be executed only once when you call methods to get response like above. You can retry the request by calling Do method, which will always execute the request, or you can call Undo, making the request could be executed again when calling methods to get the response next time.

Dump Info

Sometimes you might want to dump the detail about the http request and response for debug or logging reasons. There are several format to output these detail infomation.

Default Format

Use %v or %s to get the info in default format.

r := req.Get("http://api.io/get")
log.Printf("%v", r) // GET http://api.io/get {"success":true,"data":"hello req"}
r = req.Post("http://api.io/post").Body(`{"uid":"1"}`)
log.Println(r) // POST http://api.io/post {"uid":"1"} {"success":true,"data":{"name":"req"}}

NOTE it will add newline if possible, keep it looks pretty.

All Info Format

Use %+v or %+s to get the maximal detail infomation.

r := req.Post("http://api.io/post").Header("Referer": "http://api.io").Params(req.M{
	"p1": "1",
	"p2": "2",
	POST http://api.io/post HTTP/1.1



	HTTP/1.1 200 OK
	Set-Cookie:bla=3154899087195606076; expires=Wed, 29-Mar-17 09:18:18 GMT; domain=api.io; path=/
	Expires:Thu, 30 Mar 2017 09:18:13 GMT
	Date:Wed, 29 Mar 2017 09:18:13 GMT

log.Printf("%+v", r)

As you can see, it will output the request Method,URL,Proto,[Request Header],[Request Body],[Response Header],[Response Body]

Oneline Format

Use %-v or %-s keeps info in one line (delete all blank characters if possible), this is useful while logging.

r := req.Get("http://api.io/get")
// it output every thing in one line, even if '\n' exsist in reqeust body or response body.
log.Printf("%-v\n",r) // GET http://api.io/get {"success":false,"msg":"system busy"}

Request Only Format (No Response Info)

Use %r, %+r or %-r only output the request itself, no response.

r := req.Get("https://api.io")
fmt.Printf("%r", r) // GET https://api.io HTTP/1.1

NOTE in other format, it will execute the underlying request to get response if the request is not executed yet, you can disable that by using "Request Only Format".

Response Only

You need get the *req.Response, use %v,%s,%+v,%+s,%-v,%-s to output formatted response info.

resp := req.Get("http://api.io").Response()
log.Printf("%-s", resp)
log.Printf("%+s", resp)


NOTE All settings methods is prefixed with Set

Set Timeout

	SetReadTimeout(40 * time.Second). // read timeout
	SetWriteTimeot(30 * time.Second). // write timeout
	SetDialTimeot(20 * time.Second).  // dial timeout
	SetTimeout(60 * time.Second).     // total timeout

Set Proxy

	SetProxy(func(r *http.Request) (*url.URL, error) {
		return url.Parse("http://localhost:40012")

Set Insecure TLS (Skip Verify Certificate Chain And Host Name)
