RDLC Importent commands

  1. If data set return null then hide row of table---------------------> =Fields!Vleugel.Value Is Nothing
  2. If data set return null then show another value -------------------> =iif(Fields!ABC.Value Is Nothing, "value is NULL", "value is not NULL")
  3. If Data contains Specific string then show another value ----------> =iif(Fields!admission_no.Value.ToString().Contains("ER"),"TRUE","Falsee")
  4. Row Visibility Show or Hide Based on condition --------------------> =IIF(Fields!service_name.Value="Consultancy",TRUE,FALSE)
  5. Row Visibility show or hide based on condition ---------------------> =IIF(((Fields!service_name.Value="Consultancy") AND (Fields!charge.Value<0)) , TRUE,FALSE)

#RDLC sum =iif((Sum(Fields!total_amount.Value, "ds") + Sum(Fields!charge.Value, "ds4")) -Sum(Fields!paid_amount.Value, "ds3"),0,(Sum(Fields!total_amount.Value, "ds") + Sum(Fields!charge.Value, "ds4")) -Sum(Fields!paid_amount.Value, "ds3"))

Amount in Word

Public Shared Function changeToWords(ByVal numb As [String]) As [String] Dim val As [String] = "", wholeNo As [String] = numb, points As [String] = "", andStr As [String] = "", pointStr As [String] = "" Dim endStr As [String] = "" Try Dim decimalPlace As Integer = numb.IndexOf(".") If decimalPlace > 0 Then wholeNo = numb.Substring(0, decimalPlace) points = numb.Substring(decimalPlace + 1) If Convert.ToInt32(points) > 0 Then andStr = "point" ' just to separate whole numbers from points pointStr = translateCents(points) End If End If val = [String].Format("{0} {1}{2} {3}", translateWholeNumber(wholeNo).Trim(), andStr, pointStr, endStr) Catch

End Try
Return val

End Function Private Shared Function translateWholeNumber(ByVal number As [String]) As [String] Dim word As String = "" Try Dim beginsZero As Boolean = False 'tests for 0XX Dim isDone As Boolean = False 'test if already translated Dim dblAmt As Double = (Convert.ToDouble(number)) 'if ((dblAmt > 0) && number.StartsWith("0")) If dblAmt > 0 Then 'test for zero or digit zero in a nuemric beginsZero = number.StartsWith("0")

        Dim numDigits As Integer = number.Length
        Dim pos As Integer = 0
        'store digit grouping
        Dim place As [String] = ""
        'digit grouping name:hundres,thousand,etc...
        Select Case numDigits
            Case 1
                'ones' range
                word = ones(number)
                isDone = True
                Exit Select
            Case 2
                'tens' range
                word = tens(number)
                isDone = True
                Exit Select
            Case 3
                'hundreds' range
                pos = (numDigits Mod 3) + 1
                place = " Hundred "
                Exit Select
            'thousands' range
            Case 4, 5, 6
                pos = (numDigits Mod 4) + 1
                place = " Thousand "
                Exit Select
            'millions' range
            Case 7, 8, 9
                pos = (numDigits Mod 7) + 1
                place = " Million "
                Exit Select
            Case 10
                'Billions's range
                pos = (numDigits Mod 10) + 1
                place = " Billion "
                Exit Select
            Case Else
                'add extra case options for anything above Billion...
                isDone = True
                Exit Select
        End Select
        If Not isDone Then
            'if transalation is not done, continue...(Recursion comes in now!!)
            word = translateWholeNumber(number.Substring(0, pos)) + place + translateWholeNumber(number.Substring(pos))
            'check for trailing zeros
            If beginsZero Then
                word = " and " & word.Trim()
            End If
        End If
        'ignore digit grouping names
        If word.Trim().Equals(place.Trim()) Then
            word = ""
        End If
    End If

End Try
Return word.Trim()

End Function Private Shared Function tens(ByVal digit As [String]) As [String] Dim digt As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(digit) Dim name As [String] = Nothing Select Case digt Case 10 name = "Ten" Exit Select Case 11 name = "Eleven" Exit Select Case 12 name = "Twelve" Exit Select Case 13 name = "Thirteen" Exit Select Case 14 name = "Fourteen" Exit Select Case 15 name = "Fifteen" Exit Select Case 16 name = "Sixteen" Exit Select Case 17 name = "Seventeen" Exit Select Case 18 name = "Eighteen" Exit Select Case 19 name = "Nineteen" Exit Select Case 20 name = "Twenty" Exit Select Case 30 name = "Thirty" Exit Select Case 40 name = "Fourty" Exit Select Case 50 name = "Fifty" Exit Select Case 60 name = "Sixty" Exit Select Case 70 name = "Seventy" Exit Select Case 80 name = "Eighty" Exit Select Case 90 name = "Ninety" Exit Select Case Else If digt > 0 Then name = (tens(digit.Substring(0, 1) & "0") & " ") + ones(digit.Substring(1)) End If Exit Select End Select Return name End Function Private Shared Function ones(ByVal digit As [String]) As [String] Dim digt As Integer = Convert.ToInt32(digit) Dim name As [String] = "" Select Case digt Case 1 name = "One" Exit Select Case 2 name = "Two" Exit Select Case 3 name = "Three" Exit Select Case 4 name = "Four" Exit Select Case 5 name = "Five" Exit Select Case 6 name = "Six" Exit Select Case 7 name = "Seven" Exit Select Case 8 name = "Eight" Exit Select Case 9 name = "Nine" Exit Select End Select Return name End Function Private Shared Function translateCents(ByVal cents As [String]) As [String] Dim cts As [String] = "", digit As [String] = "", engOne As [String] = "" For i As Integer = 0 To cents.Length - 1 digit = cents(i).ToString() If digit.Equals("0") Then engOne = "Zero" Else engOne = ones(digit) End If cts += " " & engOne Next Return cts End Function