
cloned from https://sourceforge.net/p/lukestackwalker/code/HEAD/tree/trunk/

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

Release 0.9.9, Dec 22th 2010
- Fix crash when clicking on a call-graph node with source code
- Fix crash when having one profile loaded, source code view displaying source data and then loading another profile
- Prevent application main window from opening off-screen
- Updated manual/help

Release 0.9.8, Dec 12th 2010
- DLL hell fix (Again... shoot me!)
- Support for profiling 64-bit programs
- Several small GUI tweaks
- Several bug fixes

Release 0.9.7, Apr 19th 2010
- A sexier display of samples per source line
- An option in the view menu to display samples either as sample counts or percentage of total samples

Release 0.9.6, Feb 2nd 2010
- Added Edit/Find - command that searches a function name containing a given string in the top-of-stack profile.
- Display the sample count of the selected (top-of-stack) function in all threads in the program status bar
- Politely refuse to attach to 'self' - this would not work anyway.

Release 0.9.5, Jan 9th 2010
- Bug fix: By default, abort call stack traversing if PC is not in any known module. Not doing
  this used to get a lot of bogus call stack data when the call stack could not be walked properly.
  Getting a lot of bogus addresses could make the call graph view to take a very long time to draw
  and thus to make the program to appear to have hung.  
- Bug fix: The source window would sometimes stay blank and not load the correct source file.
- Bug fix: Don't allow moving the selection in the profile view below the bottom of the grid view with arrow keys

Release 0.9.4, Nov 19th 2009
- Bug fix: DLL hell had struck me again, dependency to a version  8.0.50727.4053 of the vc runtime had creeped in to the program via windows update.
  fixed according to : http://tedwvc.wordpress.com/2009/08/10/avoiding-problems-with-vc2005-sp1-security-update-kb971090/
- Separate tool bar buttons for saving profile data and project settings  

Release 0.9.3, Nov 8th 2009
- Doctor, heal yourself: profiled luke stackwalker -> improved sampling speed by up to 3x
- Bug fix: fixed a logging-related crash when loading a sample data file and have not run a profile before
- Added profile data file name to window title bar text

Release 0.9.2, Oct 29th 2009
- Bug fix: stop sampling with an error message if no threads can be sampled
- Bug fix: complain only once for each callstack address that cannot be resolved to a function name / source line.
  Before this could flood the log view to the point where the program would hang.
- Check if the process has loaded new modules during sampling and load debug info for the new modules
- Log window enchancements: log scrolls when new text is written, more errors in red
- Bug fix: spin controls in project settings wizard now allow typing into them (fixed by updating wxWidgets to 2.8.10)
- Updated debuggin tools for windows redistributables to currently latest available version 

Release 0.9.1, Oct 20th 2009
- Bug fix: fixed a crash when displaying call graph with very long (STL-style) function names 
- More sensible default project settings
- Project settings dialog suggests stack sampling depth of 1 for best accuracy, 0 for getting a good call graph
- Sorting of processes according to executable name in "Select process to profile"-dialog
- Displaying of sum of CPU time used in thread select combo box when multiple threads are selected

Release 0.9.0, June 5th 2009
- Bug Fix : profiling an already running program, "attach to process"  was broken in 0.8.9
- canceling profiling during module loading works now
- sample collection can be paused and continued
- limited horizontal splitter movement - cannot make left side bigger than size of data grid

Release 0.8.9, May 18th 2009
- Properly install MSVC runtime (the program has probably not worked before for people without the MSVC 2005 SP1 runtime installed)
- sort threads by CPU time used in toolbar thread selection list
- debug info loading log line in red colour if debug info was not found for a module
- display number of sampled top-level functions correctly after loading sample data from a file 
- detect if the profiled program exits immediately (it's probably missing a DLL or something)

Release 0.8.8, March 31 2009
- Show user manual from Help menu
- Profiling of an already running program

Release 0.8.7, Jan 27 2009
- Display(+Save/Load) of CPU time used by each thread in the thread 

Release 0.8.6, Jan 11 2009
- PDF user manual included
- Progress dialog shows loading of debug info
- Prompting for saving of profile data before closing program/profiling again/loading a profile from file
- Crash fix when clicking on profile view column headers
- Installer improvements

ReleaSE 0.8.5
- Initial release