##My Website is Live on: Mama's Catering
- Admin
- User
for Frontend
- react
- react router
- react private route
- distructure
- useState
- useEffect
- hook
- react bootstrap
- react fontawesome
- Node JS
- MOngo DB
- Firebase auth
- Heroku app
for API and Database
- MOngo DB Atlas
for Hosting and Authentication
- Firebase Authentication
- Firebase Hosting
- Herokuapp Host
Home page: user can Choose their prefarable Service from Our Service-list
if the are logged in already they will permitted to enter checkout page otherwise they need to checkout
After choosing Product, user wcan buy it by Buy Now Button
Then they will rederect to Order page
and now then can order product
after submitting the order user can see their ordered list and status
user can give the review of services
- Admin can Add , Delete, and Edit the product
- Admin can make new admin
- Admin can update the order status