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_Duration: 2 weeks For TechElevator Final Capstone

Project description: Agile team capstone project in which my team and I developed an application centered around tracking Nutrition and water intake, and additionally tracks weight changes. The user is able to create a profile that allows them to input their daily progress and keep a visual log so that they can see their progress.

Tech Used

Fullstack: Vue, Java, JavaScript, CSS, PostgreSQL, etc.

  • Used Chart.js to create Line, Bar and Doughnut Charts for the home page
  • Used PostgreSQL to store data
  • Used Spring Boot for the backend
  • Used Vue.js and Axios for the front end


Setup & Deployment

  • Need a database setup, sql query is available in the java folder.
  • After database setup run Application via application file, and when sucessfully run, move on to project installation.
  • install chartjs and vue
  • npm install chartjs
  • npm install vue within the vue folder -Lastly 'npm run serve' }


Thank you to my classmates Kris, Michael, and Brian!