This is the prototype for an emergency management system.
Under conditions of duress, one can send out an alert to other users in their vicinity, with colours -yellow, orange, and red, in increasing order- denoting the severity, and time sensitivity, of their situation. Their location is then marked on a map, and on resolution, points are awarded to the rescuers, graded by colour-coding. These points can later be traded in for government and private subsidies, on taxes and partnered company products.
A real-time damage extent map is also constructed on the app, using alert locations to demarcate areas of relative affliction. This is especially useful in times of large-scale disaster, when aerial observance is the best method for logging area conditions.
This is built on HTML and CSS (with Bootstrap) for the front end, and PHP, with Leaflet's map API, in the back end.
In 2018 alone, over 10,000 reported deaths have been attributed to natural disasters. That's a number large enough to invoke scope insensitivity. It'll be a while before we reach absolute zero, considering the sheer extent of problems faced in managing it. But one of those problems, and certainly one of the more fundamental ones, is the lack of proper information channels. This is the major inspiration behind the conception of Karma.
Won 1st place at EVOKE Hackathon 2019 by IEDC and IEEE SB