Quality hosting with preconfigured and DDoS protected cheap FiveM servers. Use link: https://zap-hosting.com/sqzscripts or a code when processing your order: squizer-8709.


Modern, simple, clear script for locking player vehicles. Optimized server + client side, possibility to give keys to another players, supports society owned vehicles, Locksmith for resetting vehicle keys and much more! All is working with OneSync Infinity/Legacy, as much as possible is handled server, all events are protected againts hackers.


  • Lock personaly/society owned vehicles
  • Give vehicle keys to other players
  • Reset vehicle keys at Locksmith (place on the map)
  • Give temporarily keys of vehicle
  • Optimized client & server side


  • /givekeys - Give keys to a player
  • /lockvehicle or F10 - Lock closest vehicle


  • Server side
    • resetPlate(plate) - Resets a vehicle plate's cache
    • giveTempKeys(plate, identifier, timeout) - Adds temporarily keys to a player (until the server), timeout is an optional param, time in ms until the key is reset

Other Scripts made by Squizer

  • sqz_anticheat - Higly effective cheap FiveM anticheat
  • sqz_unijob - Script for adding multiple jobs into 1 script just by edditing config
  • sqz_drugs - Complete system for drugs, planting, harvesting, watering, processing and dealing drugs
  • sqz_duty - Advanced duty system which counts time spent in duty
  • sqz_robbery - All in one robbery system
  • sqz_chatenhancements - Commands /status, /here and /roll for your chat
  • sqz_switchjob - Script for switching and having multiple jobs
  • sqz_carmenu - Script for all the car features you would ever need
  • sqz_hospital - Script that allows player heal themselves in the hospital in case there are no doctors on your server
  • sqz_banlist - List with cheaters with mod menu opened. Prevent cheating on your server!
  • sqz_carkeys - FiveM vehicle Keys scripts with giving and saving keys in the database.
  • sqz_rental - Quality rental system with all types of vehicles and an insurace!
  • sqz_itemwhitelist - Prop and vehicle whitelist/blacklist to prevent hackers spamming your server with entities
  • others - You can find there my forks of other scripts, check them as well


  • Drop the script into your resources folder and start it in your server.cfg
  • Run the sql.sql file
  • For optional modifications & exports check docs

You can read the docs here Docs

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Made by Squizer#3020

You can edit this script as yours, but do NOT take it as yours, republish it, resell it as Mr. Cryzysek (ProjectX server owner) did it with sqz_switchjob.