
Cat Me If U Can Smalltalk implementation using Pharo as environment

Primary LanguageSmalltalkMIT LicenseMIT

Cat me if u can (Smalltalk version)

Our solution for the lecture FOOP (Advanced Object Oriented Programming) 2023 at TU Wien. We also wrote another version in Eiffel and a multiplayer version in Swift.


Build it yourself

We used Pharo to develop the application.

Note: The repository must have this name on your disk.

  1. Install Pharo Launcher
  2. Open the launcher and go to New -> Pharo 11.0 and in Initialization script add a new one(click on the pen and then plus) and enter:
[ Metacello new
    baseline: 'Bloc';
    repository: 'github://pharo-graphics/Bloc:dev-1.0/src';
    load ]
        on: MCMergeOrLoadWarning
        do: [ :warning | warning load ]
  1. Select the initialization script and click Create Image
  2. Select the created image
  3. Go to Browse -> Git Repository Browser -> Add -> Import from existing clone and select this repository
  4. In the repository window select "CatMe_SmallTalk" and on all items in that repository select Right click -> Load
  5. You can now close all windows
  6. Go to Browse -> Playground and enter:
game := CatMeGame new.
game start.
  1. Finally start the game with the button "Do it"