OpenVADL ISS Dev Setup

This project aims to ease the development and debugging of the OpenVADL ISS. It's essentially a devcontainer that mounts all relevant code and outputs to the host, so the code can be opened by any IDE on the host system. However, building and running the ISS should be done within the container, as it provides all relevant dependencies.

Directory Structure

  • code contains the vadl and vadl/open-vadl projects
  • iss mounts the generated qemu iss (/gen/output/iss within the container)
  • testsuite contains the test-suite.yaml file that specifies ISS tests (for manual debugging)
  • dump contains the VADL dump files during ISS generation
  • tools contains all helper scripts to execute different steps during development

Getting Started

  • Download this repository.

  • Open it in VSCode (the Devcontainer extension must be installed)

  • Execute the VSCode command Dev Containers: Reopen in Containers... This will build and start the devcontainer and reopens VSCode within it. The work direcotyr will be /testsuite. If you want to work in some other directory, you can also open it within the container with code /path/to/directory.

  • The initially started container won't have the VADL repository and QEMU ISS set up. To do this run

    bash /tools/

    This will download the correct QEMU version and clones the VADL repository to /code/vadl. Note that your host must have access to the VADL repository via SSH (private key).

  • Now you can run

    run-vadl-build && run-iss-gen-rv64i && run-iss-make

    which will build vadl, generates the RV64I ISS and builds the ISS.

  • Subsequents start of the devcontainer won't require running the


My basic workflow is

  • Start VSCode within the container (so that the container is up and running)
  • Open ./code/vadl/open-vadl in IntelliJ (relative to this repo on the host)
  • Open ./iss in CLion
  • Run all commands such as run-iss-make, run-testsuite, etc. within the container

Running tests on the generated ISS

Currently the test framework does only work for rv64i. In the testsuite directory create a file called test-suite.yaml with

  reg_tests: {}
  asm_core: |-
    li x5, 27
    li x29, 2147484454
    sb x5, 0(x29)
    lb x28, 0(x29)
  reference_exec: qemu-system-riscv64
  reference_regs: [x28, x31]

Then call run-testsuite. This will compile the assembly (with some wrapper) to an elf that is loaded to the qemu-system-vadl iss and executes it. After execution is finished, the relevant register states are collected and the qemu-system-riscv64 is executed as reference. At the end the results of both runs are compared to check if the generated VADL ISS functions correctly.

This will output a results.yaml in the same directory

    - LINK
    - RUN
    - RUN_REF
    duration: 40.47ms
    errors: []
      reference-MEMTEST-MEMTEST: []
      - '[STDOUT][VADL] vadl_cpu_class_init'
      - '[STDOUT][VADL] virt_machine_instance_init'
      - '[STDOUT][VADL] virt_machine_init'
      - '[STDOUT][VADL] ram-size: 8000000'
      - '[STDOUT][VADL] sys mem size: 0'
      - ...
        expected: 000000000000001b
        expected: '0000000000000000'
    status: PASS