
Klipperscreen update

beroliv opened this issue · 2 comments

Klipperscreen shows not in Moonraker update Manger up!

i add the following lines in moonraker.conf

[update_manager KlipperScreen]
type: git_repo
path: ~/KlipperScreen
env: ~/.KlipperScreen-env/bin/python
requirements: scripts/KlipperScreen-requirements.txt
install_script: scripts/

and after that i copy the defaults.conf so i can edit the file from Mainsail web interface.
cp ./ks_includes/defaults.conf ~/printer_data/KlipperScreen.conf

Jpe230 commented

The scripts to build the image include a function to patch the moonraker configuration:

function patch_klipperscreen_update_manager()

The prebuilt image doesn't have it but it would be a good idea to create a new release with the lastest changes :)

Closing this issue since it is now fixed in the latest release!