
Making Bloons Macroing Easier!

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Note : This Package does make use of your mouse to place monkeys

Making Bloons Macroing Easier!

Requires 1920x1080p Or Full HD to function The above will be changed to work on different Settings in the future!


Use The Package Manager Pip To Install BloonMacro

pip install BloonsMacro


from BloonsMacro.macros import Monkey

# Places A Dart Monkey At Coords 500, 600 with strong as its targeting
# Targeting is optional
myDart = Monkey(500, 600, 'dart', 'strong')

# Sets the dart monkeys current targeting to close

Example Round Tracker

# For Image Tracking
import pyautogui as pg

# For cooldown
import time

#Initial Round
round = 0

# Round Change Loop
while True:
    # Check to see if the round image Changed 
    if(pg.locateOnScreen(lvl) != None):
        # Increase Rounf Num
        round += 1
        print('Round: ' + round)
        # screenshot location for Full HD monitors
        lvl= pg.screenshot(region=(1442,1,118,69))


The Monkey Class Takes in 4 peramiters

#Targeting is optional by default will be first
Monkey(int: x_location, int: y_location, str: monkey_type, str: targeting = None)

# The monkey class has a few branching functions that can be used to upgrade sell and retarget monkeys.
# For example if i created a sub on strong targeting at coords (700 872) and saved a refrence to it
sub = Monkey(700, 872, 'sub', 'strong')

# If i wanted to upgrade the sub to a 1-0-0 then I can do

# Finally If i wanted to set the targeting to first I do

Monkey Type Names
