
Automatically compile FontCustom when you change SVG's

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This package integrates FontCustom with Meteor. It is not a replacement for the gem, so you'll still have to install that independently. It uses an awesome npm-package to run the compilation.


Make sure you've got FontCustom installed (follow the instructions at: fontcustom.com and run:

meteor add q42:fontcustom


The package will be looking for a fontcustom.yml in the root of your project. This could be something like this:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Project Info
#   Defaults shown. Learn more about these options by running
#   `fontcustom help` or visiting <http://fontcustom.com>.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

font_name: fontcustom
css_selector: .icon-{{glyph}}
preprocessor_path: "/fonts/"
autowidth: false
no_hash: false
force: false
debug: false
quiet: false

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Input Paths
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

  vectors: client/svgs

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Output Paths
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

  fonts: public/fonts
  preview: public/fonts
  css: client/styles

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Templates
#   Included in Font Custom: preview, css, scss, scss-rails
#   Custom templates should be saved in the INPUT[:templates] directory and
#   referenced by their basename.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

 - scss
 - preview

This will assume that your SVG's are in client/svgs and when you run your server, the compiled fonts will be waiting for you in public/fonts. An additional _fontcustom.scss will be placed in client/styles and a nice preview will be available at localhost:3000/fonts/fontcustom-preview.html.


  • fontcustom.yml should always be in the root of your project
  • The output-path should be in public, so that they'll be statically available for the client
  • For more options, refer to fontcustom.com