
The project for Bayesian Statistics (2019 Spring PKU)

Primary LanguageMATLAB


The project for Bayesian Statistics (2019 Spring PKU) by Dinghuai Zhang, Jiaqi Zhang and Feng Zhu.

This project mainly focus on online multi-classification problem under multinomial logit model. We tackle this problem via Thompson Sampling, a bayesian meta-algorithm for contextual bandits problem. We develop two ways, gaussian approximation and Polya-Gamma methods (PG-TS). Details can be seen in our report.pdf. Besides, a simple demo of Thompson Sampling can be found in Code/bernouli_bandit.ipynb.

The code of approximation method can be found in Code/Approximation, while that of PG-TS is available in Code/PG-TS and Code/PGSampler. The real dataset file can be found in Dataset.