
CrashPlan docker container

Primary LanguageShell


Lightweight (169MB) Crashplan docker container.


  • Automatic version upgrade
  • Access to all configuration files
  • Access to log files

Quick Start

  • Launch the crashplan container
docker run -d \
  --name crashplan \
  -h $HOSTNAME \
  -e TZ="${TZ:-$(cat /etc/timezone 2>/dev/null)}" \
  --publish 4242:4242 --publish 4243:4243 \
  --volume /srv/crashplan/data:/var/crashplan \
  --volume /srv/crashplan/storage:/storage \

Access the GUI from your desktop crashplan application

  • Make a backup of the current .ui_info file of your desktop machine locate:
    • On Linux: /var/crashplan/data/id/.ui_info
    • On OSX: /Library/Application Support/CrashPlan/.ui_info
    • On Windows: C:\ProgramData\CrashPlan\.ui_info
  • Replace your .ui_info file of your desktop machine with the one of the crashplan container: /srv/crashplan/data/id/.ui_info.
  • In the .ui_info file of your desktop machine, replace the IP (should be or with the IP of your docker host.
  • Make sure you can connect to ports 4242 and 4243 on your docker host.
  • Start your local CrashPlan GUI.



  • /var/crashplan: where the configuration files and logs are store
  • /storage: where backup files are store

Optional environment variables:

  • PUBLIC_IPand PUBLIC_PORT: force the public ip address and port to use.
  • TZ: time zone to use in the crashplan logs. Use /etc/timezone string values, e.g. "Europe/Paris"