Primary LanguagePython


Author: Jacob Thomas Messer Redmond

UUID: UUID-00101010128



NextGenFinancialSystem is a comprehensive solution for managing, analyzing, and integrating financial data. This project includes various APIs, smart contracts, decentralized applications (DApps), and security modules to provide a robust financial management system.

Directory Structure

|-- /api
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- edgar_parser.py
|   |-- edgar_tool.py
|   |-- financial_data_aggregator.py
|   |-- government_data.py
|   |-- blockchain_integration.py
|   |-- crypto_exchange.py
|   |-- personal_finance.py
|   |-- business_finance.py
|   |-- analytics.py
|   |-- compliance.py
|   |-- corporate_reports.py
|   |-- budget_api.py
|   |-- omb_api.py
|-- /ethereum
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- smart_contracts
|   |   |-- FinancialContract.sol
|   |   |-- ComplianceContract.sol
|   |-- dapps
|   |   |-- PersonalFinanceDapp
|   |   |   |-- index.html
|   |   |   |-- app.js
|-- /security
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- blockchain_security.py
|   |-- quantum_cryptography.py
|   |-- ai_threat_detection.py
|   |-- authentication.py
|-- /utils
|   |-- __init__.py
|   |-- logging.py
|   |-- config.py
|   |-- scheduler.py
|-- /tests
|   |-- test_smart_contracts.py
|   |-- test_dapps.py
|-- /docs
|   |-- API_Documentation.md
|-- requirements.txt
|-- README.md
|-- app.py


To install the required dependencies, run:

pip install -r requirements.txt


Each module and API in this project is designed to handle specific aspects of financial data management. Refer to the API documentation in /docs/API_Documentation.md for detailed information on each API.

Running Tests

To run the tests, use:

python -m unittest discover -s tests


For more information, please contact Jacob Thomas Messer Redmond.