
A search engine that will utilise Azure Functions, CosmosDB and Service Bus

Primary LanguageC#


A search engine that will utilise Azure Functions, Table Storage and Service Bus

A bit hacky, but shows how one could save some sites into table storage, then use a service bus/functions to crawl those sites in parallel.

This project is just playing about - it doesn't crawl the sites.

Set up:

a. Create the service bus using the devops/enviro-setup.ps1 script (this will also give you a connection string). I run it from VS Code, opening the project at the top level. Highlight a few lines, then F8 to run them. You could just run the lot.


b. Manually create a service bus with a queue called 'webcrawl', generate a shared access policy with 'Listen' rights and copy the connection string

  1. Put the connection string in the functions project local.settings.json

  2. Have a local Azure storage emulator running. It will use local table storage for now.


  1. AdminCompaniesImport project imports data from a CSV into table storage for a starting point. (we could have a table trigger, but I wanted to use a service bus)

  2. Run the SearchFunctions project.

  3. Using a browser, call WebCrawlStarter (url should be shown in the console). This will take information out of table storage and put it onto the service bus. WebCrawlCompany will then pick up the information for an imaginary processing.