
Wanna merge and stuff?

TylerBrinks opened this issue · 7 comments

Hi @HockeyJustin,

I've had occasion to resurrect ExCSS and I've done so incorporating all the work you've done to date. Are you interested in collaborating and unifying back to 1 repository & NuGet package? I have a handful of changes that are slated and it might make sense to ... "un-fork?" Whatever that means

Hi @TylerBrinks.

Thanks for getting in touch.

Definitely happy to collaborate on unifying back to 1 repo. Sounds like you've done the hard work 😃.

Please let me know how you wish to proceed.

Would it make sense to duplicate active issues to keep track of things?

I didn't realise how time has flown! Thought I was keeping this thing up to date!

There are a couple of outstanding issues 13, 15....

and a couple of fairly simple looking PR's 11, 14.

We could duplicate them, but if it's easier, I can try to bash through them over the next week or so to clear this repo, then you can merge that in if you're happy with it? Can't guarantee a timeline at the moment as work is crazy, but I'm hoping next week will be ok.

.NET 5 should be shipping soon - either 10th or 22nd at .NET Conf. Will make sure it works on that too.

Sorry. I haven't forgotten about this. Working long days at the moment. Will definitely get onto it soon though.

@TylerBrinks - I have put a deprecation notice on ExCSS_Core, with reference to your new updated package.


I had a look at your latest updates and it seems to include everything required. I see you've even updated for net5.0.

Is there anything else reqiured here, or can we close this (and ExCSS_Core)?

Thanks a ton! I think that's good to go at this point.