
Created by HockeyJustin to test an interviewees skills using Vue

Primary LanguageVue


Any problems with this, please get in touch. We are more than happy to help you get started if you are unsure of anything :).


  1. Clone this repository
  2. cd to IntervieweeTasksVue
  3. Run npm install
  4. Run npm run serve
  5. Visit the site at http://localhost:8080/


1. More default data

The project currently has 4 lines of default data in the todo list. Add one more default item, so there are 5 TODO's when you start the application.

2. Change the form input

Modify the TODO label so it shows the length of the input as well.

e.g. 'Test' becomes 'Test (4)', or Netherlands becomes 'Netherlands (11)'

3. Display unticked items - Stretch Goal (Bonus Item)

Underneath the list of items, display a list of only UNTICKED items.

4. Style It

Provide a basic style. It doesn't need to be too glossy. We just want to see a nicer look/ layout using CSS. You can use external libraries if you wish.