
Laravel API

Primary LanguagePHP


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KW-API is middleware to dispatch information from services / applications to others, using messaging platform.


For deploying from git.

  1. clone from repository

    git clone https://github.com/KWRI/kw-api.git

  2. run composer install, to install all reqiured library and dependencies

    cd kw-api

    composer install

  3. configure .env file

    copy from .env.list to .env change configuration that appropriate with your environment

  4. run migrate, to create database

    php artisan migrate:install

    php artisan migrate:refresh

  5. run db seed, to create 10 api_users

    php artisan db:seed

  6. create failed jobs table

    php artisan queue:failed-table

  7. setup node packages, on directory project, run

    npm install

  8. run gulp file to prepare ng-admin lib inside laravel

    gulp ng-admin

Development Workflow

Do not work on master branch directly!!!

  1. Create a branch for each ticket in waffle.io
  • Create a branch from master branch
  • Branch name should start with the ticket number. Let's say, you create a branch for ticket 45. Then you can use the following name "45-coreperson"
  1. After implementing new features / fixing issues, create pull request or notify Super Admin (Josh).
  2. When the Super Admin approves, you or he would merge the branch with master branch.
  3. You can delete the branch after merging.