
Ruby on Rails project

Primary LanguageRuby



Clone this repo and run following commands:

$ bundle install
$ ./bin/yarn install


Starting dev server without SSL

If you have installed foreman, you can use Procfile to configure application and simply run foreman start.

But in development foreman blocks binding.pry code from executing, and you will never access the binding.pry point from the console.

In case of that just run in two consoles/tabs following commands:

// 1 (backend)
$ rails s

// 2 (frontend)
$ ./bin/webpack-dev-server

Starting dev server with SSL

To test/use slotmachine on some site you'll need to start both servers using ssl, since shopify blocks non-htttps requests. To do this, you need to find config/webpacker.yml file and set https: option to true:

    https: true

Only after this you can run the following commands:

// 1 (backend)
$ rvmsudo thin start --ssl -p 443

// 2 (frontend)
$ ./bin/webpack-dev-server


A list of notes to keep in mind while pushing to heroku

  • after successful deploy don't forget to run heroku run rails db:migrate to migrate database