Create a PHP Web API that consults the Cat API:
The API must allow the search for Cat Breeds by name. The API should cache the results from the
Cat API into a local MySQL database. If the cat breed is not found in the local MySQL database, it
will query the cat API. The only endpoint that must be implemented is the GET to /breeds
The challenge was solved using Laravel Framework for the base architecture. The only endpoints the API implements are GET to /breeds and GET to /breeds/{id}
Both endpoints share the same controller (ContentController
), wich has two methods for handling the requests: getContentByName
and getContentById
The WebApiController
was created in order to implement a custom trait: the WebApiResponser
. The WebApiResponser
trait contains all the methods used on the ContentController
(wich extends from the WebApiController
) in order to keep the code clean and modularized.
When the api recives a request will search the data into a MySQL local database, if the data is not found, then it will query The Cat API, store the data on the database for 30 days and finally will be retrieved to the client. Requests to The Cat API are made through a Guzzle HTTP Client.
In order to increase the security of the api a middleware was implemented in both endpoints to limit the number of requests to 15 requests per minute per IP. This will help blocking malicious bots and it can mitigate DOS attacks.
Almost every possible exception is being handled by the App\Exceptions\Handler.php
. The other few possible errors are being handled from both ContentController
and WebApiResponser
. Errors will always return in JSON format.
- Breeds search by name can be requested via GET http://localhost:XX/breeds
- The only query parameters accepted are
- The
parameter is required - The
parameter is optional. It's value must be between 2 and 50, and it's defualt value is 5
http://localhost:XX/breeds?name=fo (Search all breed names containing "fo")
http://localhost:XX/breeds?name=fo&per_page=20 (Search all breed names containing "fo", showing 20 breeds per page)
- Breeds search by ID can be requested via GET http://localhost:XX/breeds/{id}
- The
is a unique 4 character id. The complete list of breeds with their ids can be accesed from
http://localhost:XX/breeds/beng (Search for the Bengal cats)
You can try the api using the following link: