This site allows you to see a sample of weather conditions on Mars and select images of Mars by date
- Jslota25
- PBridwell
- mwturner611
JQuery, JavaScript, Materialize, HTML, CSS, AJAX
This site allows you to experience a day in the life on Mars.
This project is licensed under The MIT License (MIT).
- On open see the most recent weather on Mars available from Nasa's API
- Toggle between Celsius and Fahrenheit
- Use the date selector on the left hand side to pick which date you would like to see photos from
- Cycle through more photos on same date or choose a different date to view
All contributions and suggestions are welcome! For direct contributions, please fork the repository and file a pull request.
Name: John Slota (@Jslota25)
Name: Patrick Bridwell (@PBridwell)
Name: Matt Turner (@mwturner611)
- Chris Cerami for maintaining the Mars Rover Photos API repository here
- Nasa's Jet Propoulsion Laboratory for maintaing the InSight: Mars Weather Service API