- App Overview: 'Emotions' will allow for someone to easily input how they feel at a current moment. When entering more emtoions, a user will see a curated feed of previous emotions that have let us to their current emotion.
- App Specs: A users can view their emotions using vertical page scrolling (similar to tiktok). When getting started, the application prompts the user to enter how they're feeling at the current moment. Where a user can enter more emotions by pressing the plus button within the navigation bar
Tiktok-like feed (UIScrollView or UICollectionView)
Persistant Storage (CoreData)
MVC Design Pattern
Implemented wire-frame layout within Storyboard
Creating custom cell view classes
TikTok-like feed (UICollectionView) Persistant Storage (UserDefaults) MVC Design Pattern + Protocools
- Implemented vertical paging with collection view (tiktok-like behavior).
- 'Feeling' enum of up to five feelings.
- Error handling using do-catch.
- UINavigationController.
Since the Unit 9 submission of this project, I have determined one of more following issues with the application:
- Inability to delete a emotion with button present.
- 'Emotion' struct UUID is not being properly decoded as the 'id' property is immutable.
- Issue where canceling the creation of composing a new 'Emotion' causes the application to present a white view controller.
- UI Layout issues within 'EmotionsCellView' that did not add the date UILabel as a subview with proper auto-layout constraints.
These issues should be fixed by the submission of Unit 10.
- Date of Memory now shows within the emotion cell view.
- UI Bug fixes and improvements.
- User can now delete a memory.