
A simple CropperJS Wrapper for .NET Asp.NetCore Applications

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


Enhance your .NET Blazor applications with seamless image cropping functionality using Json_exe.Blazor.CropperWrapper, a comprehensive .NET Blazor wrapper for the Cropper.js library. This package lets you effortlessly integrate a customizable Cropper UI, leveraging the robust features of Cropper.js.

Table of Contents


Json_exe.Blazor.CropperWrapper is a powerful and flexible .NET Blazor wrapper designed for the popular Cropper.js library. It simplifies the process of adding image cropping features to your Blazor applications.

Getting Started

To start using Json_exe.Blazor.CropperWrapper:

  1. Install the package via NuGet.
  2. Include @using Json_exe.Blazor.Cropper in your _Imports.razor.
  3. Add builder.Services.AddCropper() in your Program.cs or Startup.cs.
  4. Use <CropperWrapper @ref="@CropperRef" ImageSrc="<Your-Image-Src>"/> in any page.
  5. Create your user interface with buttons and other controls to interact with the cropper methods enabled by the Ref. CropperRef.Method()
  6. Refer to Usage and Features for detailed information on methods and options.




MudBlazor Application

<CropperWrapper Options="new CropperOptions { AspectRatio = 1, ViewMode = 1 }" ImageSrc="@ImageData" @ref="@CropperRef" Alt="Example-Alt"/>
<MudDivider FlexItem Class="my-2"/>
<MudStack Row Spacing="5">
    <MudButton Variant="Variant.Filled" OnClick="@(() => CropperRef.GetCroppedArea())">Crop!</MudButton>

In this example the Button calls the Method CropperRef.GetCroppedArea() which crops the image inside the Cropper Canva and replaces it witht the cropped version.

How to add a GoBack function

<CropperWrapper @ref="@CropperWrapperRef" ImageSrc="@_imageSrc"/>

  private readonly List<string> _changes = new();
  private CropperWrapper CropperWrapperRef { get; set; } = null!;
  private string _imageSrc = "<Your-Image-Src>";

  private async Task GoBack()
    if (_changes.Count > 0)
        _imageSrc = _changes.Last();
        await CropperWrapperRef.Replace(_imageSrc);
        _changes.RemoveAt(_changes.Count - 1);

  private async Task Crop()
    var data = await CropperWrapperRef.GetCroppedArea();
    _imageSrc = data;


Interactive Methods

The following methods are available to use atm.

  • GetCroppedArea():
    • Crops the image with the selected Area and places the cropped image in the Canvas. The image before will be stored in a list to go back to that state.
  • GetImage():
    • Returns the Base64 string inside the ImageSrc Property. This represents the image currently shown inside the Crop Canvas.
  • RotateLeft(int degree = 45):
    • Rotates the image to the left.
    • degree (optional): The amount of degrees you want to rotate the image
  • RotateRight(int degree = 45):
    • Rotates the image to the right.
    • degree (optional): The amount of degrees you want to rotate the image
  • ScaleVertical():
    • Flips the image Vertically
  • ScaleHorizontal():
    • Flips the image Horizontally
  • Move(int x, int y):
    • Moves the image inside the Canvas
    • x: The amount of pixels you want to move the image on the x axis
    • y: The amount of pixels you want to move the image on the y axis
  • Reset():
    • Resets the image to the original state.
  • Clear():
    • Clears the image inside the Canvas.
  • Replace(string imageSrc):
    • Replaces the image inside the Canvas with the given imageSrc.
    • imageSrc: The Base64 string of the image you want to replace the current image with.
  • Enable():
    • Enables the Cropper.
  • Disable():
    • Disables the Cropper.
  • Zoom(double ratio):
    • Zooms the image inside the Canvas.
    • ratio: The amount of zoom you want to apply to the image.
  • RotateTo(int degree):
    • Rotates the image to the given degree.
    • degree: The degree you want to rotate the image to.
  • GetData(bool rounded = false):
    • Returns the data of the Cropper.
    • rounded (optional): If true, the data will be rounded.


The following options are available to use atm. To read more about them consider using the official Cropper.js documentation

  • ViewMode:
    • Type: int
    • Default: 0
  • DragMode:
    • Type: string
    • Default: "crop"
  • InitialAspectRatio:
    • Type: double
    • Default: double.NaN
  • AspectRatio:
    • Type: double
    • Default: double.NaN
  • Preview:
    • Type: string
    • Default: ""
  • Responsive:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Restore:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • CheckCrossOrigin:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • CheckOrientation:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Modal:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Guides:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Center:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Highlight:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Background:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • AutoCrop:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • AutoCropArea:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0.8
  • Moveable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Rotatable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Scalable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • Zoomable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • ZoomOnTouch:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • ZoomOnWheel:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • WheelZoomRatio:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0.1
  • CropBoxMovable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • CropBoxResizable:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • ToggleDragModeOnDblclick:
    • Type: bool
    • Default: true
  • MinContainerWidth:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 200
  • MinContainerHeight:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 100
  • MinCanvasWidth:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0
  • MinCanvasHeight:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0
  • MinCropBoxWidth:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0
  • MinCropBoxHeight:
    • Type: double
    • Default: 0


The following events are available to use atm. To read more about them consider using the official Cropper.js documentation

  • Ready:
    • This event fires when the target image has been loaded and the cropper instance is ready for operating.
  • OnZoom:
    • This event fires when the cropper instance starts to zoom in or zoom out its canvas (image wrapper).
  • OnCrop:
    • This event fires when the canvas (image wrapper) or the crop box changes.


Because Cropper returns an base64 string of the cropped image, the data can get very large for the SignalR connection. To prevent this, you can increase the max size of the SignalR connection in your Startup.cs.

services.AddSignalR(options =>
    options.MaximumReceiveMessageSize =  // 10MB for example 


  • Add Cropper.js
  • Add more Methods
  • Add last Options
    • Preview
    • CropBox and Canvas height, width
  • Add Events
  • Add more Examples
    • Add ready to use MudBlazor component
    • Add ready to use html component

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details

Closing Words

Feel free to use this project. As this is my first Nuget project I would appreciate feedback in the form of feature requests or bugs.