
Check grades and notify on changes

Usage on Windows

  • Download the executable from releases
  • Run it
  • Enter username and password, select an installed browser (Chrome/Firefox/Edge)
  • Click Start

Grades will be checked every 15 minutes, a notification will be displayed on changes


  • Clone repo
  • Install requirements
    • pip install -r requirements.txt or
    • python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run Selenium WebDriver
    • Run docker container selenium/standalone-chrome
    • docker-compose up -d in directory selenium_chrome
  • Run python3 to create settings file settings.json
  • Edit settings.json
    • users: username and password
    • discord_webhook.url: Discord Webhook URL (
    • remote_webdriver_url: URL for remote webdriver, default value works with the docker container running locally
    • Optional:
      • users: discord_id: Discord User ID to be mentioned, everyone or here
      • discord_webhook
        • name: Override name in Discord message
        • avatar_url: Override icon in Discord message

Get Discord Webhook ID

  • Select channel the messages should be sent to
  • Click the gear icon (Edit channel)
  • Go to Integrations > Webhooks
  • Create a Webhook
    • Change name and avatar (will be used if not set in settings.json)
  • Copy Webhook URL


Periodically run python3