
This is the code associated with the submission to Frontiers in Immunology titled:

Dietary Resistant Potato Starch Alters Intestinal Microbial Communities and Their Metabolites, and Markers of Immune Regulation and Barrier Function in Swine

All of the analysis code is in the file FS2.R. Hopefully it is somewhat understandable. Suggestions are welcome.

Several of the functions used in this analysis are housed in my package "funfuns".
This package can be installed by using the following commands:
(if you don't have devtools run install.packages('devtools'))


All of the funcitons should have documentation with them that can be accessed using ?. For example: ?NMDS_ellipse()

Additionally you will need to install my package ggscinames
Documentation is available at
Install using: install.packages('grid') and devtools::install_github('Jtrachsel/ggscinames')

File descriptions

many of these files are written out by the FS2.R script itself just for my convenience. I'm sure there's a better way of organizing this and hopefully I'll be able to get around to that one day.

file       description        
16S_meta_forcorr.txt 16S metadata, used to help build networks
16S_shared_forcorr.txt 16s OTU table used to build networks
but2.shared but gene amplicon OTU table
but_meta_forcorr.txt but gene amplicon metadata to help build networks
butmeta.txt but gene amplicon metadata
butreps_blastn.txt but gene OTU representative sequence blastn results
butreps_blastx2.txt but gene OTU representative sequence blastx results
but_shared_forcorr.txt but gene amplicon OTU table for network building
Cassidy_rel_expr.txt qPCR ct values from Cassidy
CD3-.txt.csv CD3 - cell types flow data
CD3+.txt.csv CD3+ cell types flow data
cec_redo_R.txt SCFA data from GC
Cec_tissue_forcorr.txt processed qPCR ct values for cecal tissue network
cecum.shared OTU table for cecal tissue network
dif_ab_16s.txt Differentially abundant 16S OTUs as determined by DEseq2
dif_ab_but.txt Differentially abundant but gene OTUs as determined by DEseq2
fecalplasma_R.txt fecal SCFA data from GC
FS2_all_flow.txt all flow data, kinda like an OTU table
miscforcorr.txt IgA and other data for network building 16s OTU table output by mothur 16S SILVA taxonomy output by mothur
V4.FS2.4200.shared OTU table rarrefied to 4200 sequences per sample
V4.metadata.txt metadata for 16S samples
vfas_orig.txt SCFA data from GC