
Primary LanguageC++

Hook The Planet

Dynamic hooking framework for windows executables.


  • Inline hooking using address or module name/function name
  • Access the thread context through the HTPContext struct
  • Thread safe
  • Align stack before entering hook, allowing for raw hooking in the middle of function codes


  • Doesn't take RIP relative instructions yet

Building the SDK

This SDK is best used as a submodule along with Cmake. First fetch the project using:

git submodule add https://github.com/ek0/htp.git <path_to_submoule>
git submodule update --init --recursive

In your CMakeLists.txt add the following line:


Using the SDK

Here is a basic example hooking LoadLibraryA from kernel32:

#include "htp.h"

HTPHandle* htp = nullptr;

// From htp.h
//struct HTPContext
//#if _M_X64
//    uint64_t r15;
//    uint64_t r14;
//    uint64_t r13;
//    uint64_t r12;
//    uint64_t r11;
//    uint64_t r10;
//    uint64_t r9;
//    uint64_t r8;
//    uint64_t rsi;
//    uint64_t rdi;
//    uint64_t rbp;
//    uint64_t rdx;
//    uint64_t rcx;
//    uint64_t rbx;
//    uint64_t rax;
//    uint64_t rsp;
//    uint32_t edi;
//    uint32_t esi;
//    uint32_t ebp;
//    uint32_t esp;
//    uint32_t ebx;
//    uint32_t edx;
//    uint32_t ecx;
//    uint32_t eax;
void HookLoadLibraryA(HTPContext* ctx)
	char* module_name = reinterpret_cast<char*>(ctx->rcx);
	printf("Loading %s...\n", module_name);

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	htp = HTPInit();
	if(!SetupInlineHook(htp, "kernel32", "LoadLibraryA", HookLoadLibraryA))
		// Handle Error;
	return 0;

An example of pre-hook (executed when entering the function) and post-hook (executed before exiting the function). This is most likely how you will use the SDK from an injected DLL.

#include "htp.h"

void PreHookRandomFunction(HTPContext* ctx)
	// Do something

void PostHookRandomFunction(HTPContext* ctx)
	// change return code
	ctx->rax = 0xDEADBEEF;

HTPHandle* htp = nullptr;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
	htp = HTPInit();
	// 0x1234567 is the fictional function RVA.
	if(!SetupInlineHook(htp, HTPGetImageBase(htp) + 0x1234567, PreHookRandomFunction, PostHookRandomFunction))
		// Handle Error;
	return 0;

See tests/test_hook.cpp for more examples.


Big thanks to @w4kfu