A proxy server (tooling) for a mmo game. This is only a tool, not a complete game!
Maps are stored on FTP Server.
Proxy Server has to be transparent.
Proxy Server is auto configured by Hazelcast and MySQL
- LDAP Server (with kerberos)
- MySQL Server
- Hazelcast Server
- FTP Server (stores maps and map data)
- 1 integer package size (will be removed from payload data)
- 1 byte type
- 1 byte extendedType (will not be parsed by proxy server
- 1 short (2 byte) version (protocol version)
- 1 integer (4 byte) cid (character id) - will be replaced by proxy server automatically
- payload data (redirected to game servers)
Type 0x01 is reserved for proxy - sector Server communication.
- 0x01 reserved for proxy - game server communication (client is not allowed to send or receive such messages)
- 0x01 join message (data: int regionID, int instanceID, float xPos, float yPos, float zPos)
- 0x02 leave message
- 0x03 network init message to set cid (character id, proxy --> client)
- 0x04 joined successfully (gs --> proxy)
- 0x05 join failed (gs --> proxy)
- 0x06 internal server error (gs --> proxy)
- 0x07 HELLO (first greeting from proxy --> gs after opened a connection, includes cid)
- 0x02 authorization (registration, login, create character, character selection and so on)
- 0x01 login request from client to proxy
- 0x02 login response from proxy to client
- 0x03 request list of my characters (only if logged in, client --> proxy)
- 0x04 list with characters response (only, if logged in, proxy --> client)
- 0x05 create character request (only, if logged in, client --> proxy)
- 0x06 create character response (only, if logged in, proxy --> client)
- 0x07 select character request (only, if logged in, client --> proxy)
- 0x08 select character response (only, if logged in, proxy --> client)
- 0x03 movement (if connection failes between proxy - game server, this messages will be dropped)
- 0x04 update / version (version information, check client compatibility and so on)
- 0x05 chat
- 0x06 general client state information (e.q. show loading screen)
- 0x01 show region loading screen (includes information about region to load, e.q. title, proxy --> client)
- 0x07 admin stuff (manage worlds, users, npc's and so on)
- 0x08 admin stuff (reserve)
- 0x09 game world information (weather, lighing, download tiled map and so on)
- 0x01 list sectors of map request (only, if logged in, client --> gs)
- 0x02 list sectors of map response (only, if logged in, gs --> client, json format)
- 0x0A close client connection (region --> proxy)
- 0x0B error messages & hints
- 0x01 incompatible client version
- 0x02 internal server error (no game server found for this sector)
- 0x0C reserved for client - proxy
- 0x01 RTT - round trip time (message to determine client ping)
- 0x02 client requests public key
- 0x03 proxy sends public key to client
- Core (Config, Login, RSA Encryption, Firewall, ...)
- Frontend (TCP game frontend)
- Backend
- sector server backend
- login server backend (Registration, Login and so on)
- Management Module (HTTP Rest Api)
- list logged in users
- list frontends with status
- list available backends with status
- Database (persistence layer)
- Main (main configuration)
Thanks to noctarius for his many advices (not every advice is shown in this image)!
Currently server only knows regions.
- Every region is calculated by one cpu core!
- this means every region can hold maximal 100 players!
- between every region (region change) there will be a loading screen
There are several Services, e.q. for logging and login.
- logging
- login
- chat (should be also run as standalone version)
- FTP Server (to get maps from FTP server)
- data storage (mysql)
Proxy Server can have several frontends with different types.
- TCP game frontend
- UDP game frontend
- HTTP/2 management frontend
- several Game Server Backend (redirects messages to game servers, one backend per game server or vert.x backend for event queue)