
Rails 5.2 app. Used Mongo (mongoid gem) to cope with big geospatial data.

Primary LanguageRuby



::App in the wild::

app in the wild

About app

Full CRUD with BSON/MongoDB Rails app
The course provided by Johns Hopkins University and Coursera
Zips downloaded from https://media.mongodb.org/zips.json

Why Mongo?

This Document-based DB is very good for geospatial data

Why Mongoid driver?

Mongoid can provide schema for schemaless MongoDB

Ruby version in Gemfile

ruby '~> 2.6.0'

MongoDB version

(local mongodb: mongodb-linux-x86_64-ubuntu1804-4.4.6 (mongodb-community) +
mongodb interoperates with remote server - mlab)

Other versions:

  • Rails 5.2.6 rails new --skip-active-record
  • Mongoid 6.4.8
  • Will_paginate

Developmernt configuration / database creation-initialization

mongod --config /etc/mongod.conf
mongoimport --db zips_development --collection zips --drop --file zips.json
rails g mongoid:config

Deployment instructions

- Search for mLab (MongoLab) page on Heroku DevCenter
+ [mLab is shutting down its Heroku add-on](https://docs.mlab.com/shutdown-of-heroku-add-on/)
+ See [site](https://docs.mlab.com/mlab-to-atlas) about mLab to MongoDB Atlas migration
- Create mLab (MongoLab) and Heroku accounts
- Import zips with BASH command

#  %mongodb_installation%/bin/mongoimport -h \
, \
, \
   --ssl \
   -u "$MONGO_USER" -p "$MONGO_PWD" \
   --authenticationDatabase admin \
   -d cluster-zips \
   --collection zips \
   --drop \
   --file zips.json

- For Heroku use environment variable MONGOLAB_URI

-`heroku config:add MONGOLAB_URI=mongodb+srv://dbuser:dbpass@dbhost/dbname`