Simple Portfolio Website


This project involved building a simple portfolio website and utilizing the components from Bootstrap's CCS utilities to stylized the webpage.

Learning Experience

During this project, I learned how to build my own webpage using Bootstrap. It was a frustrating experience at times, and at other times it was rewarding. This project involved a lot of trial and error. I used Chrome's Dev Tools a lot more towards the end, to understand what space a certain element was taking up.

More importantly, I learned how to read, re-read, and then read again to understand what the documentation is telling me. It took a good while to finally understand some of the concepts with Bootstraps.

Reading up on Flexbox, through CCS-Trick's website also proved to be instrumental in understanding a lot of the web design concepts.

Finally, using the Markup Validation Service from, helped me find some opened div tags which completed my final check of my code.

Tools Used

Sites used for reference