- Create Virtual Environment using “virtualenv” and add it to Jupyter Notebook
- Create Virtual Environment using “conda” and add it to Jupyter Notebook
- 7 ways to load external data into Google Colab
- Python Interactive Data Visualization with Altair | Gist
- Interactive Data Visualization for exploring Coronavirus Spreads | Gist
- The Google's 7 steps of Machine Learing in Practice | Notebook
- 3 ways to create a Machine Learning model with Keras and TensorFlow 2.0 | Notebook
- Model Regularization in practice | Notebook
- Batch Normalization in practice | Notebook
- Early Stopping in practice | Notebook
- Learning Rate schedules in Practice | Notebook
- Keras Callbacks in Practice | Notebook
- Keras Custom Callbacks | Notebook
- 7 popular activation functions in Deep Learning | Notebook
- Why ReLU in Deep Learning and the best practice | Notebook