🎨 Pixel Art Suite for Aseprite ✨

Overview 🌟

This project provides a comprehensive suite of tools and extensions for Aseprite, a popular pixel art editor. Leveraging advanced knowledge in mathematics, design, color theory, color representation models, image filters, and matrices, this suite extends Aseprite's capabilities beyond its existing plugins and tools. 🚀

Project Structure 📂

The project is organized into the following directories:

  • color 🎨: Contains modules related to color management, including filters, harmonies, and transformations.
  • image_processing 🖼️: Includes modules for image processing, pixel handling, and transformations.
  • interfaces 🖥️: Provides definitions for interfaces used throughout the suite.
  • internal 🔧: Contains internal classes and system modules.
  • languages 🌐: Supports multiple languages with localization files.
  • lifecycle 🔄: Manages the lifecycle of the application, including initialization and main logic.

Directory Contents 📁


  • color 🎨:

    • filters.lua: Contains color filter implementations. 🌈
    • harmonies.lua: Defines color harmonies and their application. 🎨
    • index.lua: Main entry point for color-related functionalities. 🔗
    • transforms.lua: Implements color transformation algorithms. 🔄
  • image_processing 🖼️:

    • index.lua: Main entry point for image processing functionalities. 🔗
    • pixel_handler.lua: Handles pixel manipulation and operations. 🖌️
    • transformations.lua: Implements image transformations and effects. ✨
  • interfaces 🖥️:

    • color.lua: Defines interfaces for color-related modules. 🎨
    • filter.lua: Defines interfaces for filter modules. 🔍
    • index.lua: Main entry point for interfaces. 🔗
  • internal 🔧:

    • class 🏷️:

      • class.lua: Contains class definitions and utilities. 🛠️
      • init.lua: Initializes internal class modules. 🚀
      • interface.lua: Defines internal interfaces. 🖥️
      • util.lua: Provides utility functions for class handling. 🔧
    • system ⚙️:

      • init.lua: Initializes internal system modules. 🚀
  • languages 🌐:

    • english.lua: English localization file. 🇬🇧
    • index.lua: Main entry point for language support. 🔗
    • spanish.lua: Spanish localization file. 🇪🇸
  • lifecycle 🔄:

    • init.lua: Initializes lifecycle management modules. 🚀
    • logic.lua: Contains main logic for lifecycle management. 💡
    • main.lua: Entry point for the lifecycle management system. 🎯

Features 🌟

  • Advanced Color Management 🎨: Implemented sophisticated color filters, harmonies, and transformations to enhance pixel art creation. ✨
  • Image Processing 🖼️: Provides tools for pixel manipulation and image transformations to enable complex editing tasks. 🔧
  • Custom Interfaces 🖥️: Defines interfaces for interacting with color and filter modules, ensuring extensibility and modularity. 🔗
  • Multi-language Support 🌐: Includes localization for English and Spanish to cater to a diverse user base. 🇬🇧🇪🇸
  • Lifecycle Management 🔄: Manages the application's lifecycle, ensuring smooth operation from initialization to execution. 🚀

How to Use 📚

Video Tutorial 📹

For a visual guide on how to use the suite, watch the following video:

YouTube 🎥

Menu of Plugin 📋

0x05_color 📸

Change Languages 🌍

0x03_color 🌐

0x04_color 🌍

Color Harmonies 🌈

0x01_color 🎨

0x02_color 🌟

Installation ⚙️

  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone <repository-url> 🖥️
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd <project-directory> 📂
  3. Follow the specific instructions in package.lua to integrate the suite with Aseprite. 🔗

Usage 🛠️

  1. Open Aseprite and load the suite by following the instructions in package.lua. 📂
  2. Explore the new tools and features available in the color and image processing modules. 🎨🖼️
  3. Access the multi-language support via the settings menu to switch between English and Spanish. 🌐🇬🇧🇪🇸

Contributing 🤝

Contributions are welcome! Please follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository. 🍴
  2. Create a new branch for your changes. 🌿
  3. Commit your changes and push them to your fork. 📤
  4. Open a pull request describing your changes and improvements. 🔄

License 📜

This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details. 📜

Contact 📧

For questions or feedback, please contact juanavila12.0308@gmail.com. 📩