
Primary LanguageMATLAB

Test for monty

Unit test for monty project


  1. Clone the repo inside your project.
git clone https://github.com/JuanDAC/monty_test.git

Create a new unittest

The unittest is compose by 2 files, and *.m file and expected-* output.

The first must be in the root directory in the path bytecodes/<file>.m and the second must be in the test/expected-out/expected-<file>

the code and the output must have the same name. But the first one with the suffix .m and the second one with the prefix expected-


for the demo file 000.m the expected file must be expected-000 and the path distributions must be

foo@bar[monty]$ tree .
├── bytecodes
│   ├── 000.m                    <- Monty code 000.m
│   └── README.md
├── main.c
├── makefile
├── monty.h
├── README.md
└── test
    ├── expected-out
    │   └── expected-000         <- Expected output for 000.m
    ├── makefile
    ├── README.md
    ├── test                     <- compilated program
    ├── test-all                 <- script-for-unit-tests
    └── tmp
        └── stdout-000           <- temporal-file-for-000.m

How to use

  • Move to the folder.
cd monty_test

There are 2 ways to run the test-all script. The first one is without arguments

Run without args

foo@bar$ ./test-all
0-add.m: OK
0-comments.m: OK
0-div.m: OK
0-mul.m: OK
0-nop.m: OK
0-pchar.m: FAILED.
0-pint.m: OK
<style> r { color: Red } m { color: Magenta } g { color: Green } </style>

It will show the files and the status code.

  • OK: Expected result.
  • FAILED: It is not the expected result.
  • NO_REF: There is no file to be compared.

If the output and the expected are equals the code should be OK

If the output and the expected are diferents. The code should be FAILED.

If the expected is not found The code sould be NO_REF.

Run with args

If you run the command with a <monty-file> as argument the script will search this file in the bytecode folder and show

  • ARGS in the first line
  • The file name and the test code in the second line
  • A horizonal line
  • [GOT] output of the <monty-file> througt your program
  • The Output of program
  • Expected output
foo@bar$ ./test-all 2-pupa.m
2-pupa.m: OK