This is a online web app for posting comments, using # to refer a topic, a title; comment part; date and person who post the comment.
The project is split into three apps, A web app; backend app and a register; All three of them are completed splitted and independent.
Angular app used to build the interface exposed to the final user, build up on components (following the Angular framework), as a sum up their are:
- Components : A share components that are across the project, like the notification component.
- Helpers: Components that are used to track network betweent the application and the back end.
- Home: This is the main page, holding the next two components.
- Tweethandel: Module used for displayin tweets, deleted them and filtering.
- TweetCreator: Module used for creating a tweet.
- Login: Module used for user enter point.
- Register: Module used for creating user task.
- Models: This is a folder that contains the data structurre for Tweet and user.
- Services: This folder contains all the api consumed interfaces (The callings to the back end)
In order to deploy the web app we used the commands npm run build
to generated the static files, those ones that are used to servered Nginx as the server for the user.
The Dockfile shows this process:
FROM node:10.16.0-alpine as node
MAINTAINER Juan Gonzalo Quiroz Cadavid
copy . /app
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build -- --prod --configuration=dca
#Stage 2-> put it on nginx
FROM nginx:alpine
COPY --from=node /app/dist/maybe /usr/share/nginx/html
The back end were build using Python 3.6 with flask as the middledware for Http/ REST connections, the APIs expose are:
@app.route('/api') // Checking the connection
@app.route('/api/tweets/save', methods=['POST']) // Saving a Tweet
@app.route('/api/tweets/getAll', methods=['GET']) // Getting Tweets
@app.route('/api/tweets/comment/' , methods=['POST']) // Create a comment over a Tweet
@app.route('/api/tweets/update/<tweet_id>' , methods=['POST']) // Update Tweet
@app.route('/api/tweets/delete' , methods=['POST']) // Delete tweet
@app.route('/api/users/authenticate', methods=['POST']) // Log in
@app.route('/api/test/test_db') // Created a register and return all Tweets
@app.route('/api/users/register', methods=['POST']) // Register
The necessary interfaces are:
@app.route('/api') // Checking the connection
Recive: Nothing
Return: "Hello"
@app.route('/api/tweets/save', methods=['POST']) // Saving a Tweet
Recived: title, body, username, date
response = {
'err:': 'faild to create new tweet.'
response = {
'status': 'done',
'done':'The tweet has ben save'
@app.route('/api/tweets/getAll', methods=['GET'])
Recive: Nothing
Return: Tweets[ ] See database - Collections
@app.route('/api/tweets/delete' , methods=['POST'])
Recive: Tweet ID.
if response == None:
response = {
'err:': 'faild to deleted the tweet.'
if response['ok'] == 1.0:
response = {
'status': 'done',
'done':'The tweet has ben delete'
response = {
'err:': 'faild to deleted the tweet.'
@app.route('/api/users/authenticate', methods=['POST'])
Recive: Username, password
if response == None:
response = {
'status': 'err',
'err':'User not found'
User // See database - Collections
Recive: Nothing
Return: Tweets[] // See database - Collections
@app.route('/api/users/register', methods=['POST'])
Recive: username password firstName lastName
if is_already == None :
response = {
'done:': 'user created'
response = {
'status': 'err',
'err':'User already created'
MongoDB data base where used in order to save tweets and users, this is due to the Tweets structure.
User = {
_Id: IdObject,
'username': String,
'password': String,
'firstName': String,
'lastName': String,
'token' : String
Tweet = {
_Id: IdObject,
'body': body,
'username': username,
'date': date,
'tags': tags,
'comments': None
For deploying you only need to run the docker-compose.
version: '3'
container_name: reverse
image: nginx
- 80:80
- 443:443
restart: always
- ./server_config/nginx_config:/etc/nginx
- ./server_config/SSL:/ect/ssl/private
- flask-app
- angular-app
container_name: flask-app
restart: always
build: ./back-end/app
- 5000:5000
- mongo-server
container_name: mongo-server
image: mongo
- ./mongo_data:/data/db
- 27017:27017
restart: always
container_name: angular-app
restart: always
build: ./front-end/maybe
- 4200:4200
- flask-app