Adapted with minor changes from to work with MAX485 chip.
Now you can specify the de_re_pin (driver enable/receiver enable pin) with the begin() sentence. You have to connect DE and RE together and then to the de_re_pin of your Arduino.
#define de_re_pin 4 // digital pin 4 as driver enable/receiver enable pin
#define modbus_slave_id 28 // Slave address
modbusSlave.begin(9600, &Serial, de_re_pin, modbus_slave_id);
See a complete example of a Modbus RTU slave implementation in the attached example.
- You can use the QModMaster program to simulate a Modbus RTU master, it's an excellent free software:
The ModbusRTU library is a simple to use library that allows an arduino to act as a Modbus slave. It attempts to obscure all unnecessary parts of the protocol to provide a clean interface.
The library pre-allocates all necessary memory upon instantiation, which improves the performance of the library and allows for simpler diagnostics.
Slave ID's are supported, it is therefore possible to have multiple slaves on the same bus.
- Discrete Inputs
- Coils
- Input Registers
- Holding Registers
- 1 - Read Coils
- 2 - Read Discrete Inputs
- 3 - Read Multiple Holding Registers
- 4 - Read Input Registers
- 5 - Write Single Coil
- 6 - Write Single Holding Register
- 15 - Write Multiple Coils
- 16 - Write Multiple Holding Registers
- Exception Response Codes
- 1 - Illegal Function
- 2 - Illegal Data Address
- 3 - Illegal Data Value
Whole libary is enclosed in a namespace called ModbusRTU.
The class is a template class with one parameter called registerCount. The parameter specifies the size of the register array or maximum register count.
void begin(unsigned long baud, HardwareSerial *pHardwareSerial = &Serial, unsigned int de_re_pin, unsigned char slaveId = 1)
The begin function sets up variables and configures the hardware serial class.
- Parameters
- baud: The baud rate the serial interface should run at.
- pHardwareSerial: Pointer to a HardwareSerial instance. Defaults to &Serial.
- de_re_pin: Pin to control DE (driver enable) and RE (receiver enable) pins of the MAX485 chip. You have to connect DE and RE together and then to the de_re_pin of your Arduino. Defaults to 4.
- slaveId: Slave ID to be used by this slave. Defaults to 1.
void update()
The function checks for incoming frames from master, attempts to parse the frame upon receiving, thereafter returns the result to the master. The parsing includes reading/writing to the modbus entites. If parsing a frame fails, the slave will attempt to send an exception.
long addCoil(bool *coil, unsigned short _register)
The function adds a coil to the register array.
- Parameters
- coil: Pointer to a read/write boolean value.
- _register: The register number to be assigned to the coil.
- Return value
- Returns the register number upon success.
- Returns -1 upon failure.
long addDiscreteInput(const bool *discreteInput, unsigned short _register)
The function adds a discrete input to the register array.
- Parameters
- discreteInput: Pointer to a read-only boolean value.
- _register: The register number to be assigned to the discrete input.
- Return value
- Returns the register number upon success.
- Returns -1 upon failure.
long addInputRegister(const short *inputRegister, unsigned short _register)
The function adds an input register to the register array.
- Parameters
- inputRegister: Pointer to a read-only 16-bit value.
- _register: The register number to be assigned to the input register.
- Return value
- Returns the register number upon success.
- Returns -1 upon failure.
long addHoldingRegister(short *holdingRegister, unsigned short _register)
The function adds an input register to the register array.
- Parameters
- holdingRegister: Pointer to a read/write 16-bit value.
- _register: The register number to be assigned to the holding register.
- Return value
- Returns the register number upon success.
- Returns -1 upon failure.