

Available environemnt variables

Name Required Type Default Description
OWM_API yes String API Key for Open Weather Map

Set Up

Create a file .env in the root folder with the required environment variables:


NPM Scripts


Updates an Angular env file using process.env variables -> npm run config -- --environment=prod

New Page

  • Create the new module (with routing) npx ng generate module component/pages/new_page --routing or npx ng g m component/pages/new_page --routing
  • Create the component for that page npx ng generate component component/pages/new_page or npx ng g c component/pages/new_page
  • Set the routes as needed
  • Import the custom modules and ensure the component is declared
    • @NgModule({
        declarations: [NewPageComponent],
        imports: [/* Replace CommonModule */CoreModule, NewPageRoutingModule],


Code creation

ng g [action|feature|reducer|effect] name

Folder structure

  • component
    • /* angular elements */
    • component.module.ts
      • import StoreModule.forFeature(...)
      • import EffectsModule.forFeature(...)
    • store
      • component.actions.ts
        • export createAction(...)
      • component.reducer.ts
        • export state type
        • export createFeature(...)
        • export { state, selectors } from feature
      • component.effects.ts
        • export effect Class


        Component <-------- Store
           |                  ^
           | dispatch         | new state
           v                  |
        Action -----------> Reducer
         | ^ |-------------------- API
triggers | | |                      ^
         | | |----------------------|
         v | v                      |
        Effect --> Service --- (Interceptor)