
Web3 scripts for fetching data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

This repository contains scripts for fetching data from web3endpoints using ethers.js v6.

The scripts are intended to work sending notifications via email and telegram when the balance of an address is below certain threshold. The libraries used for this are nodemailer and node-telegram-bot-api

It's a work in progress so scripts will be added as they are needed.

How to use

You must have Node.js installed on your machine before running the scripts.

To install dependencies, run

npm i

Create a .env file and add your ENDPOINT and PRIVATE_KEY in the .env file. You can find an .env.example as a guide:

  • ENDPOINT: RPC endpoint for the blockchain you want to fetch data from.

  • PRIVATE_KEY: Private key of the address you will be sending transactions from (not needed for balance.js).

  • EMAIL_USER: Email address from which you will send emails.

  • EMAIL_PASS: Password of the email address from which you will send emails.

  • EMAIL_RECIPIENT: Recipient of the notification emails.

  • TELEGRAM_TOKEN: Telegram bot token to access API, obtained from Telegram's BotFather when creating a bot.

  • TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID: ID of the chat between bot and user that will be notified.

To run the scripts, run



node .\scripts\balance.js "0xd8dA6BF26964aF9D7eEd9e03E53415D37aA96045"