Go API for Testing Purposes

This Go API is designed for testing purposes and provides simple endpoints to interact with. It serves as a basic example of building a RESTful API using Go.


  • /hello: Returns a "Hello World!" message.
  • /hello/{name}: Returns a personalized greeting message using the provided name.
  • /health: Provides a health check endpoint returning a JSON response {"status":"ok"}.

Building and Running the Image


  • Go installed on your local machine to build the Go application.
  • Podman installed on your local machine to build and run the container image.

Building the Image

  1. Clone the repository containing the Go API source code.
  2. Navigate to the directory containing the source code.
  3. Build the container image using Podman CLI:
    podman build -t go-api-image .

Running the Image

  1. Once the image is built, you can run the container using the following command:

    podman run -d -p 8080:8080 go-api-image

    This command runs the container in detached mode (-d) and forwards port 8080 from the container to port 8080 on the host.

  2. Access the API endpoints:

    • Hello World: http://localhost:8080/hello
    • Personalized greeting: http://localhost:8080/hello/YourName
    • Health check: http://localhost:8080/health

Additional Notes

  • Make sure to replace YourName with the desired name in the personalized greeting endpoint.
  • You can customize the code and endpoints according to your requirements.
  • For more detailed instructions on building and running the Go API, refer to the source code and comments within the application files.