
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook




  • Openshift Container Platform 4.14+
  • 3 Master Nodes
  • At least 3 Worker Nodes
  • (Optional) ArgoCD is needed to complete this workshop. An installation script has been provided in this repository, but you can install an instance of ArgoCD by yourself if you prefer.


You can skip Installation section if you are installed an create an instance of ArgoCD

  1. Indentify your Openshift admin credentials (You need an user with cluster-admin permissions) and the API-Server URL
  2. Move to setup folder and execute the following command:
./install-workshop.sh $USER $PASSWORD $API_SERVER

For instance:

./install-workshop.sh admin secure_password_for_admin_W3qOpa $API_SERVER
  1. The RedHat GitOps Operator will be installed, so you just have to wait until the process finish #TODO: 4. Check if ArgoCD has been installed propertly. Enter to ArgoCD console Get admin password: oc extract secret/openshift-gitops-cluster -n openshift-gitops --to=- Get ArgoCD console URL: oc get route -n openshift-gitops openshift-gitops-server -o jsonpath='{.spec.host}'

Getting Start