Throughout the docs, you'll notice that we make use of custom components, in addition to the default markdown, to render special elements. An overview of these can be found below:
<livewire:endpoint spec="api/public-rest-api/endpoints/specs/blockchain.json" />
<livewire:page-reference page="/docs/delegate-registration" />
<livewire:embed-link url="" caption="ARK Core - Schnorr" />
<x-general.sidebar-link path="/docs/api/public-rest-api/getting-started" name="Getting Started" />
The root
property should represent the closest parent of the child paths.
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/blockchain', 'name' => 'Blockchain'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/blocks', 'name' => 'Blocks'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/delegates', 'name' => 'Delegates'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/node', 'name' => 'Node'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/peers', 'name' => 'Peers'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/transactions', 'name' => 'Transactions'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/votes', 'name' => 'Votes'],
['path' => '/docs/api/public-rest-api/endpoints/wallets', 'name' => 'Wallets'],
Type can be
<x-alert type="info">
Hello World!
['path' => '/docs/core/services/attributes', 'name' => 'Attributes'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/cache', 'name' => 'Cache'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/events', 'name' => 'Events'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/filesystem', 'name' => 'Filesystem'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/logging', 'name' => 'Logging'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/mixins', 'name' => 'Mixins'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/pipeline', 'name' => 'Pipeline'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/queue', 'name' => 'Queue'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/schedule', 'name' => 'Schedule'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/triggers', 'name' => 'Triggers'],
['path' => '/docs/core/services/validation', 'name' => 'Validation'],
The tutorial intro page has specific properties you can use at the top of the document as explained below (they need to be encapsulated between the listed ---
title: <text>
excerpt: <text>
excerpt_long: <text>
is_featured: <true/false>
learn_about: <text>
- <list of topics>
assets: <path to assets directory>
Please note that the assets
directory expects to hold 3 images called featured.svg
, banner.svg
and image.svg
as these are used on the various tutorial pages.
Documentation pages have a title property that is used for example used for the navigation at the bottom of the pages.
title: <text>
If you discover a security vulnerability within this package, please send an e-mail to All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute.