Before You Start


You need to have sqlite3, Ruby 2.7.5, and rubygems installed and working.


In case you do not want to install ruby locally and you have already installed docker in your host machine, you can build the exercise image:


And then run a bash container:



Razor has a collection of shows with ticket inventory numbers that need to be synchronized with a 3rd party API located at A job runs every hour to check which shows need to be synchronized.

When we synchronize shows, we don't want to synchronize them all at once because we could overwhelm the 3rd party API with web requests. We prefer to schedule the show updates at least 15 seconds apart, but if there are more shows than can fit into a 1 hour period spaced 15 seconds apart, the updates can be scheduled in shorter intervals.

Your job is to examine the shows in the database and determine which ones need to be updated, then output a hash with the IDs that need updating and when they should be updated. You will not update any shows as part of this project, only output the schedule of when each show should be updated. You only need to schedule updates for shows that exist in your local database, for which the quantity has changed, and which have not been updated in the last hour.

Schema With Examples

| id | quantity | last_update |
|  1 |       35 |         154 |
|  2 |        4 |       10435 |
|  3 |       89 |        7343 |
|  4 |       15 |       12704 |
|  5 |        2 |        3865 |
  • last_update is represented in seconds since last update.

Example API Interaction



  { "id": 1, "quantity": 34 },
  { "id": 2, "quantity": 4 },
  { "id": 3, "quantity": 91 },
  { "id": 4, "quantity": 12 },
  { "id": 5, "quantity": 1 }

Example Output

In our example, we need to update IDs 3, 4, and 5 because it has been more than an hour since they were last updated and their quantity has changed.

Hash format is { ID => seconds_until_next_update }

{ 3 => 0, 4 => 15, 5 => 30 }

Implementation Details

  • If an ID has never been updated, it will not have a value for seconds_since_last_update
  • You should test at least 2 things for each example file:
    1. Which IDs should be scheduled for update? The outputs for these are included in the spec.
    2. When should each ID be scheduled for update? The answer for this is determined by you, but should be in the specified format.

Other Information

  • Your solution should use Test-Driven Development
  • Feel free to add any gems you may want to use
  • Any resource you want is available. Ask as many questions as you want.