
Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT

THis is a Point of Sale (POS) application


Point Of Sale(POS System)

Welcome to the POS System project, This is a simple Android application for payment method,

Key Features

  • MVVM Architecture: The application follows the Model-View-ViewModel architectural pattern for a clean and organized codebase.

  • Room Database: Utilizes the Room persistence library for data storage, providing a local SQLite database to store todo.

  • Filtering and Sorting: Allows users to filter notes based on priority and sort them accordingly.

  • Search Functionality: Provides a search feature to find notes based on titles and subtitles.

  • Responsive UI: Designed with responsive UI elements, including a StaggeredGridLayoutManager for a visually appealing layout.

  • Light/dark mode customised based on your phone.

Technologies Used

We've embraced modern technologies to make this app robust and efficient:

  • MVVM and Stateflow.
  • Room Database.
  • View Binding.
  • Navigation components with Safe Args Kotlin-Parcelize.
  • Pagination (manual implementation).

Getting Started

  1. Clone the Repository:

Clone the Repository:

git clone: https://github.com/Jubayed-A/OIBSIP-To-Do-Apps.git

  1. Open in Android Studio:
  • Open Android Studio and choose "Open an existing Android Studio project."
  • Navigate to the cloned project directory and select it.
  1. Run the App:
  • Connect your Android device or use an emulator.
  • Click on the "Run" button in Android Studio to build and run the application.


  • Android Architecture Components: Using LiveData and ViewModel for efficient UI updates and maintaining UI-related data.

  • Room Database: A robust and efficient SQLite object mapping library.

  • Navigation Component: Simplifies the implementation of navigation within the app.


Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open issues or submit pull requests to help improve this project.


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the MIT License file for details.