
AWS Lambda function to monitor SQS queue to a Slack channel

Primary LanguageJavaScript


AWS Lambda function to monitor SQS queue to a Slack channel


There are some SQS queues on amazon (+/- 10 queues, but the number of queues is growing every month). Queues are for different applications, different teams, and have different characteristics (error queues, different purposes, different thresholds etc.). The teams are responsible for adding new queues and specifying which queues are applicable to be monitored.

As a DevOps team we would like to monitor these queues by providing an automation solution which creates a monitor per queue according to a definition file where the queues are specified. So that we can be alerted whenever something goes wrong with the queues.


Most IT people prefer Slack as a communication platform between teams, sending a notification to a team Slack channel is a good way to integrate between the alarting system and team comunication.

For definition file, I prefered to use

YAML is a human-readable structured data format. It is less complex and ungainly than XML or JSON, but provides similar capabilities. It essentially allows you to provide powerful configuration settings.

A team can define thier queues in this simple YAML format:

- team2:
  - test_devops_new_houses: 10
  - test_devops_edited_houses: x
  - test_devops_removed_houses: x
  - test_devops_new_houses_errors: 0
  - test_devops_edited_houses_errors: 0
  - test_devops_removed_houses_errors: 0

The ERROR queue will have limit value 0, where you can use x for the queue you want to skip.

AWS Lambda function will run every minute to check the defined queue in the YAML file stored in GITHUB, where stakeholder can edit it easily.


Setup steps:

  • Create Slack App and allow it to post to a team channel.
  • Create AWS Queues then IAM user and get the secret key.
  • Edit the keys in Lambda source code.
  • Create AWS Lambda function and delopy the code.
  • Test it.

First, let's start by creating a Slack App:

  1. let's say you have the following Slack channels: team1, team2,team3; where the channel name is the same as your team name defined in the YAML file. if not, let's create one:

  1. Then click on + Add an app, or go to channel setting if you didn't find the link:

  1. This will open Slack Admin panel on the browser; you have to have admin permission on your Slack team to access it, click on Build:

  1. Click Start Building then Create App, chose your team and name the app AWS-Watcher; if you wish to have a diffrent name you should change the name in the source code as well:

  1. On Basic Information click Incoming Webhooks under Add features and functionality:

  1. Activate it by swiping to On, then click the bottom button Add New Webhook to Workspace

  1. Select your team channel, to allow the app to post on it:

  1. Repeat the steps for all your teams defined in the YAML file, then copy all the Webhook URLs, we gonna use it in Lambda source code:

  1. Go Back to Basic Information:

  1. Under Display Information add description, icon and backgorund color to your Slack App, then hit Save Changes:

  1. Finally, go back to your team Slack channel, you should see the integration message:

Second, create AWS Queues and the IAM user:

  1. On AWS Console, select a region, then SQS and create your queues:

  1. Again on AWS Console, go to IAM, and create a new user with Programmatic access:

  1. Click Next, select Attach exisiting policies directly, search for sqs, then select AmazonSQSFullAccess, this will allow this user to access the queues:

  1. Click Next, copy the Access Key ID and Secret access key, we gonna use them in AWS Lambda function:

Third, Add the keys to Lambda:

  1. Clone or Download this repo, open index.js, on top of the file you need to edit the variables of Slack Webhook URL and AWS keys:

Fourth, Create and Deploy AWS Lambda function:

  1. On AWS Console, select a region, go to Lambda, click on Author from scratch:

  1. Name the function monitor-sqs-slack, select Choose an existing role on Role, and service-role/sqspoller for Existing role, then hit Create function:

  1. Compress the file index.js and the directory node_modules to a zip file:

  1. Back to AWS console, on Code entry type, select Upload a .ZIP file, select the ZIP file from your machine:

  1. On Triggers, click, Add trigger:

  1. On Rule, select Create a new rule, for Rule name type everymin, for Rule type choose Schedule expression, type rate(1 minute), then click Submit:

  1. Click Save:

Congrats, you are ready to test now!!

Finally, Test:

You can test using AWS Console or AWS CLI, I will show you how to test using the CLI:

  1. Download aws-cli, on Mac OS X, you can type this command if you have Brew
brew install aws-cli
  1. Add AWS secret keys to aws cli:
aws configure
  1. Check if you can list SQS queues:
aws sqs list-queues

  1. Try to send message to one of the ERROR queues:
aws sqs send-message --queue-url https://eu-west-1.queue.amazonaws.com/223381404055/test_devops_edited_houses_errors --message-body "this is an error message"  --message-attributes file://msg.json

  1. In a minute, your should see the alert on your team Slack channel:

beautiful, isn't it !!