
Sorting Algorithms and Big O Notation

Primary LanguageC

  • Sorting algorithms & Big O

In this project, I implemented twelve different sorting algorithms.

Tests ✔️

  • tests: Folder of test files.

Helper Files 🙌


doubly-linked list.

Header Files 📁

  • sort.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for

all types and functions written for the project.

Data Structure:

typedef struct listint_s


	const int n;

	struct listint_s *prev;

	struct listint_s *next;

} listint_t;

Function Prototypes:

| File | Prototype |

| -------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------- |

| print_array.c | void print_array(const int *array, size_t size) |

| print_list.c | void print_list(const listint_t *list) |

| 0-bubble_sort.c | void bubble_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 1-insertion_sort_list.c | void insertion_sort_list(listint_t **list); |

| 2-selection-sort.c | void selection_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 3-quick_sort.c | void quick_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 100-shell_sort.c | void shell_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 101-cocktail_sort_list.c | void cocktail_sort_list(listint_t **list); |

| 102-counting_sort.c | void counting_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 103-merge_sort.c | void merge_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 104-heap_sort.c | void heap_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 105-radix_sort.c | void radix_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 106-bitonic_sort.c | void bitonic_sort(int *array, size_t size); |

| 107-quick_sort_hoare.c | void quick_sort_hoare(int *array, size_t size); |

  • deck.h: Header file containing definitions and prototypes for all types

and functions written for the task 1000-sort_deck.c.

Data Structures:

typedef enum kind_e


	SPADE = 0,




} kind_t;

typedef struct card_s


	const char *value;

	const kind_t kind;

} card_t;

typedef struct deck_node_s


	const card_t *card;

	struct deck_node_s *prev;

	struct deck_node_s *next;

} deck_node_t;

Function Prototype:

| File | Prototype |

| ------------------ | ------------------------------------- |

| 1000-deck_node.c | void sort_deck(deck_node_t **deck); |

Tasks 📃

  • 0. Bubble sort

    in ascending order using the Bubble Sort algorithm.

    • Prints the array after each swap.

    • 0-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Bubble Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 1. Insertion sort

    listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the

    Insertion Sort algorithm.

    • Prints the list after each swap.

    • 1-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Insertion Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 2. Selection sort

    integers in ascending order using the Selection Sort algorithm.

    • Prints the array after each swap.

    • 2-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Selection Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 3. Quick sort

    integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm.

    • Implements the Lomuto partition scheme.

    • Always uses the last element of the partition being sorted as the pivot.

    • Prints the array after each swap.

    • 3-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Quick Sort Lomuto Partition scheme algorithm, one per line.

  • 4. Shell sort - Knuth Sequence

    integers in ascending order using the Shell sort algorithm.

    • Implements the Knuth interval sequence.

    • Prints the array each time the interval is decreased.

  • 5. Cocktail shaker sort

    a listint_t doubly-linked list of integers in ascending order using the Cocktail Shaker

    Sort algorithm.

    • Prints the list after each swap.

    • 101-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Cocktail Shaker Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 6. Counting sort

    of integers in ascending order using the Counting Sort algorithm.

    • Assumes that the array will only contain numbers >= 0.

    • Prints the counting array after it has been initialized.

    • 102-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Counting Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 7. Merge sort

    ascending order using the Merge Sort algorithm.

    • Implements the top-down Merge Sort algorithm.

      • When an array is divided, the size of the left subarray is always less than

      or equal to the size of the right subarray.

      • Always sorts the left subarray before the right one.
    • Prints subarrays each time they are merged.

    • 103-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Merge Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 8. Heap sort

    in ascending order using the Heap Sort algorithm.

    • Implements the sift-down Heap Sort algorithm.

    • Prints the array after each swap.

    • 104-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexiites of the Heap Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 9. Radix sort

    integers in ascending order using the Radix Sort algorithm.

    • Implements the Least-Significant-Digit (LSD) Radix Sort algorithm.

    • Assumes that the array will only contain numbers >= 0.

    • Prints the array for each significant digit increase.

    • 105-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Radix Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 10. Bitonic sort

    in ascending order using the Bitonic Sort algorithm.

    • Assumes that size is a power of 2 (ie. size can be expressed as 2^k

    where k >= 0).

    • Prints subarrays each time they are merged.

    • 106-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Bitonic Sort algorithm, one per line.

  • 11. Quick Sort - Hoare Partition scheme

    of integers in ascending order using the Quick Sort algorithm.

    • Implements the Hoare partition scheme.

    • Always uses the last elemement of the partition being sorted as the pivot.

    • Prints the array after each swap.

    • 107-O: Text file containing the best, average, and worst case time

    complexities of the Quick Sort Hoare Partition cheme algorithm, one per line.

  • 12. Dealer

    doubly-linked list deck of cards.

    • Assumes that there are exactly 52 elements in the doubly-linked list.

    • Orders the deck from spades to diamonds and from aces to kings.