
Example Apps to Demonstrate Argo CD

Primary LanguageJsonnet

ArgoCD Example Apps

Introduction to Argo CD Repository

Welcome to the Argo CD Example Apps repository! This repository, originally forked from https://github.com/mabusaa/argocd-example-apps, serves as a valuable resource to explore and learn about the capabilities of Argo CD – a powerful GitOps continuous delivery tool.

Argo CD simplifies the deployment and management of applications in Kubernetes clusters through the GitOps methodology. By defining your desired application state declaratively in Git repositories, Argo CD ensures that your live environment consistently matches the defined state. This approach enhances collaboration, reduces errors, and empowers efficient development and operations practices.

Inside this repository, you will find:

  • Sample Applications: A curated collection of sample applications that showcase various deployment scenarios, strategies, and configurations.

  • Configuration Files: YAML files and configurations demonstrating how to define, manage, and version your applications using Argo CD.

  • Documentation: Resources, guides, and tips to help you get started with Argo CD and successfully implement GitOps practices.

Whether you are a seasoned Kubernetes professional or just beginning your journey into the world of container orchestration, this repository provides a hands-on experience to understand and harness the potential of Argo CD. Explore the sample applications, experiment with the configurations, and embark on a journey toward seamless, automated application deployment.

Feel free to delve into the contents of this repository, ask questions, contribute, and collaborate with fellow enthusiasts. The power of Argo CD and GitOps awaits you!

This repository contains example applications for demoing ArgoCD functionality. Feel free to register this repository to your ArgoCD instance, or fork this repo and push your own commits to explore ArgoCD and GitOps!

Application Description
guestbook A hello word guestbook app as plain YAML
ksonnet-guestbook The guestbook app as a ksonnet app
helm-guestbook The guestbook app as a Helm chart
jsonnet-guestbook The guestbook app as a raw jsonnet
jsonnet-guestbook-tla The guestbook app as a raw jsonnet with support for top level arguments
kustomize-guestbook The guestbook app as a Kustomize 2 app
pre-post-sync Demonstrates Argo CD PreSync and PostSync hooks
sync-waves Demonstrates Argo CD sync waves with hooks
helm-dependency Demonstrates how to customize an OTS (off-the-shelf) helm chart from an upstream repo
sock-shop A microservices demo app (https://microservices-demo.github.io)
plugins Apps which demonstrate config management plugins usage
blue-green Demonstrates how to implement blue-green deployment using Argo Rollouts
apps An app composed of other apps

Note: Repository Archival Notice

As of this announcement, please be informed that this repository https://github.com/JudahSan/argocd-example-apps has been archived and will no longer receive active updates or maintenance. The repository will remain accessible for reference and historical purposes, but no further changes or contributions are expected.

We encourage you to explore the provided content and leverage it as a learning resource. For the most up-to-date information and active contributions, we recommend visiting the original source repository https://github.com/mabusaa/argocd-example-apps and engaging with the Argo CD community directly.

Thank you for your interest and participation in this repository. We hope you find the information valuable in your journey to mastering Argo CD and advancing your GitOps practices.