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Formula 1 telemetry on Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka

This repository provides a guide to deploy the Formula 1 - Telemetry with Apache Kafka project on a fully managed Kafka instance from the Red Hat OpenShift Streams for Apache Kafka service.



The main pre-requisites are:

  • Having an account on Red Hat Hybrid Cloud.
  • Having the rhoas CLI tool (at least 0.38.6) installed by following instructions here.
  • Logging into your own Red Hat Hybrid Cloud account via rhoas login command by following instructions here.
  • jq tool.

Create Apache Kafka instance

Create the Apache Kafka instance by running the following command.

rhoas kafka create --name formula1-kafka --wait

It specifies the --name option with the name of the instance and instructs the command to run synchronously by waiting for the instance to be ready using the --wait option. The command will exit when the instance is ready providing some related information in JSON format like following.

✔️  Kafka instance "formula1-kafka" has been created:
  "bootstrap_server_host": "formula-j-d-nks-g-f-pqm---fmvg.bf2.kafka.rhcloud.com:443",
  "cloud_provider": "aws",
  "created_at": "2022-01-23T11:35:47.142502Z",
  "href": "/api/kafkas_mgmt/v1/kafkas/c8nkp5i1e9ohm495fnvd",
  "id": "c8nkp5i1e9ohm495fnvd",
  "instance_type": "eval",
  "kind": "Kafka",
  "multi_az": true,
  "name": "formula1-kafka",
  "owner": "ppatiern",
  "reauthentication_enabled": true,
  "region": "us-east-1",
  "status": "ready",
  "updated_at": "2022-01-23T11:40:24.253791Z",
  "version": "2.8.1"

To confirm that everything is fine, verify the status of the Kafka instance by running the following command.

rhoas status kafka

The output will show status and bootstrap URL of the Kafka instance.

ID:                     c8nkp5i1e9ohm495fnvd
Name:                   formula1-kafka
Status:                 ready
Bootstrap URL:          formula-j-d-nks-g-f-pqm---fmvg.bf2.kafka.rhcloud.com:443

Create topics

The Formula 1 project relies on some topics for storing and analyzing the telemetry data. They can be customized via environment variables across the different applications but by running the following script you can create them with the default names.


Each command will print the topic configuration. Check that all topics are created by running the following command.

rhoas kafka topic list

The output will show the list of the topics on the Kafka instance.

-------------------------------- ------------ --------------------- ------------------------ 
f1-telemetry-drivers                      1   604800000             -1 (Unlimited)          
f1-telemetry-drivers-avg-speed            1   604800000             -1 (Unlimited)          
f1-telemetry-drivers-laps                 1   604800000             -1 (Unlimited)          
f1-telemetry-events                       1   604800000             -1 (Unlimited)          
f1-telemetry-packets                      1   604800000             -1 (Unlimited)

Create service accounts and ACLs

UDP to Apache Kafka

Create a service account for the UDP to Apache Kafka application by running the following command.

rhoas service-account create --short-description formaula1-udp-kafka --file-format env --output-file ./formula1-udp-kafka.env

This will generate a file containing the credentials for accessing the Kafka instance as environment variables.

## Generated by rhoas cli

The UDP to Apache Kafka application needs the rights to write on the f1-telemetry-drivers, f1-telemetry-events and f1-telemetry-packets topics. To simplify let's grent access as a producer on topics starting with f1- prefix.

source ./formula1-udp-kafka.env
rhoas kafka acl grant-access -y --producer --service-account $RHOAS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID --topic-prefix f1-

In this way the following ACLs entries will be created for the corresponding service account.

PRINCIPAL                                        PERMISSION   OPERATION   DESCRIPTION              
------------------------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------------------------- 
srvc-acct-adg23480-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsf   allow        describe    topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-adg23480-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsf   allow        write       topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-adg23480-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsf   allow        create      topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-adg23480-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsf   allow        write       transactional-id is "*"  
srvc-acct-adg23480-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsf   allow        describe    transactional-id is "*" 

Apache Kafka to InfluxDB

Create a service account for the Apache Kafka to InfluxDB application by running the following command.

rhoas service-account create --short-description formula1-kafka-influxdb --file-format env --output-file ./formula1-kafka-influxdb.env

This will generate a file containing the credentials for accessing the Kafka instance as environment variables.

## Generated by rhoas cli

The Apache Kafka to InfluxDB application needs the rights to read from the f1-telemetry-drivers, f1-telemetry-events and f1-telemetry-drivers-avg-speed topics. To simplify let's grent access as a consumer on topics starting with f1- prefix.

source ./formula1-kafka-influxdb.env
rhoas kafka acl grant-access -y --consumer --service-account $RHOAS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID --topic-prefix f1- --group all

In this way the following ACLs entries will be created for the corresponding service account.

PRINCIPAL                                        PERMISSION   OPERATION   DESCRIPTION              
------------------------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------------------------- 
srvc-acct-abc1234-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsfa   allow        describe    topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-abc1234-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsfa   allow        read        topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-abc1234-dsdf-244a-gt65-d4vd65784dsfa   allow        read        group is "*"

Apache Kafka Streams

Create a service account for the Apache Kafka Straems applications by running the following command.

rhoas service-account create --short-description formula1-kafka-streams --file-format env --output-file ./formula1-kafka-streams.env

This will generate a file containing the credentials for accessing the Kafka instance as environment variables.

## Generated by rhoas cli

The Apache Kafka Streams applications need the rights to read from and write to multiple topics as f1-telemetry-drivers, f1-telemetry-drivers-avg-speed and f1-telemetry-drivers-laps.

To simplify let's grent access as a producer and consumer on topics starting with f1- prefix.

source ./formula1-kafka-streams.env
rhoas kafka acl grant-access -y --producer --consumer --service-account $RHOAS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID --topic-prefix f1- --group all

In this way the following ACLs entries will be created for the corresponding service account.

PRINCIPAL (7)                                    PERMISSION   OPERATION   DESCRIPTION              
------------------------------------------------ ------------ ----------- ------------------------- 
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        describe    topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        read        topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        read        group is "*"             
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        write       topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        create      topic starts with "f1-"  
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        write       transactional-id is "*"  
srvc-acct-93a071fc-7709-43ad-b0bd-431ce4f640ae   allow        describe    transactional-id is "*"  

Running Formula1 applications

UDP to Apache Kafka

Start the UDP to Apache Kafka application by running the following command.

./formula1-run.sh \
./formula1-udp-kafka.env \
$(rhoas kafka describe --name formula1-kafka | jq -r .bootstrap_server_host) \

The <PATH_TO_JAR> is the path to the application JAR (i.e. /home/ppatiern/github/formula1-telemetry-kafka/udp-kafka/target/f1-telemetry-udp-kafka-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Apache Kafka to InfluxDB

Start the Apache Kafka to InfluxDB application by running the following command.

./formula1-run.sh \
./formula1-kafka-influxdb.env \
$(rhoas kafka describe --name formula1-kafka | jq -r .bootstrap_server_host) \

The <PATH_TO_JAR> is the path to the application JAR (i.e. /home/ppatiern/github/formula1-telemetry-kafka/kafka-influxdb/target/f1-telemetry-kafka-influxdb-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar)

Apache Kafka Streams

Start one of the Apache Kafka Streams based applications by running the following command.

./formula1-run.sh \
./formula1-kafka-streams.env \
$(rhoas kafka describe --name formula1-kafka | jq -r .bootstrap_server_host) \

The <PATH_TO_JAR> is the path to the application JAR (i.e. /home/ppatiern/github/formula1-telemetry-kafka/streams-avg-speed/target/f1-telemetry-streams-avg-speed-1.0-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar)


The Quarkus based Apache Kafka Streams application uses a different set of configuration parameters and can be started by running the following command.

source ./formula1-kafka-streams.env
export KAFKA_BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS=$(rhoas kafka describe --name formula1-kafka | jq -r .bootstrap_server_host)
export QUARKUS_KAFKA_STREAMS_SASL_JAAS_CONFIG="org.apache.kafka.common.security.plain.PlainLoginModule required username=\"${RHOAS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_ID}\" password=\"${RHOAS_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_SECRET}\";"
java -jar <PATH_TO_JAR>

The <PATH_TO_JAR> is the path to the quarkus-run.jar (i.e. /home/ppatiern/github/formula1-telemetry-kafka/quarkus-streams-avg-speed/target/quarkus-app/quarkus-run.jar)


In order to clean the deployment, you can run the following script to delete the service accounts and the local env files.


Next step deleting the topics.


Then finally delete the Apache Kafka instance.

rhoas kafka delete -y --name formula1-kafka