a project for the RMC course, creating a chess playing robot arm
USING Pycharm can auto downloads the packages like opencv in the file Requirements.txt
ADD a sim package from Guo:
- some RTB codes and .tif files could be used in final paper
- PS. if the equation Latex could not display, download this Chrom plugin: MathJax Plugin for Github
- PSS. .tif file is too large, I will add it to the .gitignore, along with .gif file
Merge from Xia yixuan:
- some comments and change to the codes of motion part
Realse npz file of vision from Pang tongshu:
- put this into file data/processed
ADD a motion package from Guo:
- contains a file named kinematic_solver.py, which can solve the two_link part fk/ik problem
- the method to move the base is to be added (need to consider how to find the coordinate)
- the angle of the end effecter is to be added
- some pictures in pdf (can convert to tif for paper usage)
Update AX-12A control code from Xia:
- (wait for description)
上传了电机的代码 from 夏
Ubuntu上库的依赖似乎不报错了,可以试着在树莓派上跑了 from 庞