To-Do List Website


This is a simple, responsive To-Do List website where users can add, check, and delete tasks. The application allows users to manage their tasks effectively, ensuring that they can keep track of what needs to be done. The interface is intuitive, making it easy to use for anyone.


  • Add Tasks: Users can add new tasks to the list by clicking the "New Task" button.
  • Check/Uncheck Tasks: Users can mark tasks as completed or incomplete by clicking the check icon.
  • Delete Tasks: Users can remove tasks from the list by clicking the trash icon.
  • Scrollable Task List: The task list becomes scrollable if the tasks exceed the viewable area, with the latest task always in view.
  • Highlight Effect: The add new task button briefly highlights with a shadow effect when a new task is added or when it's hovered on.

Technologies Used

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • JavaScript
  • Font Awesome (for icons)