It's a Blockly based C# Editor
I plan to use the following components to create a Blockly C# Editor
- Google Blockly (obviously)
- Electron
- scriptcs to execute it
- to be executed on .NET Core
The Blockly editor needs to get running inside an Electron window and I need to create a custom C# generator for Blockly and to find a way to run the generated code using scriptcs and
I plan to
- add blocks to talk to the RaspberryPI GPIO pins
- add more C# specific blocks
Because my first son likes to learn programming and he like to use Blockly and Scratch. Scratch isn't available in German but Blockly is and it is easy to customize and to extend. To better support my son, I would prefer to generate C# code.
I like any kind of contribution. File an issue, add an PR or just mention this project-